1. 40X30 field set up as shown
2. Separate players into two teams
3. One ball per field with additional along outside
1. Attacking teams will attempt to keep possession by passing and moving with the ball within their field.
2. Each attacking team will start with 5 balls
3. The defending team will attempt to kick the ball out of bounds.
4. Once a ball has been kicked out of bounds, the attacking team will get another ball and again try to maintain possession.
5. Once all the balls have been kick out of bounds, players will rotate within teams from attackers to defenders.
4. Activity will continue until all players have had a chance to play attacker and defender for their team.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of speed and direction
2. Supporting angle and distance to ball
3. Combination play
4. Decision making

1. 40X30 field set up as shown
2. Separate players into two teams
3. One ball per field with additional along outside
1. Defending team begins the activity by passing the ball to the attacking team.
2. Attacking team must possess the ball and try to score a point by dribbling the ball over the endline and stopping it.
3. Teams will play for 3 minutes then players will rotate within teams from attackers to defenders.
4. Activity will continue until all players have had a chance to play attacker and defender for their team.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of speed and direction
2. Supporting angle and distance to ball
3. Combination play
4. Decision making
1. See next slide

1. 40X30 field set up as shown
2. Separate players into two teams
3. One ball per field with additional along outside
1. Defending team begins the activity by passing the ball to the attacking team.
2. Attacking team must possess the ball and try to score a point by dribbling the ball through one of the two gates on the endline.
3. Teams will play for 3 minutes then players will rotate within teams from attackers to defenders.
4. Activity will continue until all players have had a chance to play attacker and defender for their team.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of speed and direction
2. Supporting angle and distance to ball
3. Combination play
4. Decision making
1. See next slide

1. 40X30 field set up as shown
2. Separate players into two teams
3. One ball per field with additional along outside
1. Defending team begins the activity by passing the ball to the attacking team.
2. Attacking team must possess the ball and try to score a point by scoring a goal.
3. Teams will play for 3 minutes then players will rotate within teams from attackers to defenders.
4. Activity will continue until all players have had a chance to play attacker and defender for their team.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of speed and direction
2. Supporting angle and distance to ball
3. Combination play
4. Decision making
1. Conditioned Game: Players will stay on their halves of the field, looking to play to teammates and score. Playing in either a numbers up situation or numbers down situation.