1 - Chopping Station. Each player starts on red cone dribbles to yellow cone & chops with left, then dribbles to red cone & chops with right. Repeat., 2 - Ladder. 1's, 1/2's, R leg hop, L leg hop, two foot hop, North two foot hop, South two foot hop, forward shuffle, reverse shuffle, 3- Outside foot dribble, 4- Inside foot dribble, 5-Skill Station - A serves headers, thigh balls, chest balls & cup traps. B controls & returns ball, 6- Monster Walk - Dribble in bigh steps w/ball, 7- In's & Out's - Face sideways: A Pull, B Roll Across, C Lace Chop Forward, 8- Small V's - Lace/Pull L. Lace/Pull R.
* Lace/Chop Dibble around field 1/2 field 2 times (1 Right Foot only/1 Left Foot Only

Set Up
2 cones, 15 yards from touch and then 15 yards from other cone and player on each cone.
1, Player on touchline passes to player on cone 1 who gives him an angled return pass (1-2). Player on cone 1 spins and touchline player plays a pass to player on cone 2 (who repeats the previous scenario) resulting in a shot on goal by the cone 2 player after cone 1 player plays him a through ball.
Cone 2 player now goes in goal and other players move up the chain.

Pass and Move
Good practical game to work on defensive and attacking skills.
4 Attackers in Red
4 Defenders in Blue
4 Support players in Green
The games start with 2 groups of 2v2 2 Reds v 2 Blue with the 4 greens support players inside the squares in each corner of the 30x20yards box
The objective of the game is that the Reds attackers have to pass the ball to the greens in each corner until they have passed to all the four corners
Each pair of Reds are trying to do this faster than the others, if the Defender in Blue recovers the ball the Reds have to restart all the corners.
Start by handling the ball with the hands, then move to the ball on the floor.
To reduce the challenge
•Increase the size of the area and the corners they are passing into
•Increase the overload to 3v1 or many suitable challenges for the passers
•Start by playing with the ball in their hands and limit them to the high that they can throw the ball (not over the head, or has to bounce on the floor)
To increase the challenge
•Designate how the ball must be passed into the corners (left foot, right foot, back heel, chip)
•Have the player that passed the ball to the corner player to swap places with him(make sure you change the colour bibs for the same colour)
•Increase overload can 1 attacker play against 2 defenders and still pass to the 4corners
Do not forget to rotate all the players so everyone can have a go at it.

Setja upp tvö lið, annað byrjar í vörn og hitt í sókn. Sóknarliðið fær 5 hornspyrnur áður en skipt er um hlutverk. Einn leikmaður úr hvoru liði sér um að taka spyrnurnar, en hinir raða sér upp við merkin fyrir utan vítateygjinn.
Varnarmenn hugsa um að dekka rétt, þ.e. að vera markmegin við manninn sinn og sjá bæði mann og bolta. Ef vörnin nær boltanum má hún skora í keilumörkin.
Sóknarmenn reyna að losa sig við varnarmenn með markvissum hlaupum inn í teygjinn; einn mætir á fremri stöng, annar á aftari og sá þriðji droppar til útfyrir eftir að hafa rikkt inn.

Spila á tvö mörk, 6 á 6 eða 7 á 7.