-30 x 30 yard area
-3 Teams, divided as numbers dictate
1. Players start in the middle with the ball, they must dribble to a player and find a pass, the outside player gives the ball back and th middle payer must then return to themiddle and continue to find anoter pass.
Coaching Points:
1) Passing with th ankle locked the heel down and the toe up,
2) Striking through the middle of the ball head and chest over the ball
P-Wall pass

-Players in Pairs
-Each pair has 2 flat cones
1)Player A passes to player B, Player B recieves with the inside of the foot across the body, then returns pass to player A (inside touch, inside pass opposite foot to partner)
2) Player A passes to player B, Player B recives the ball with the outside of one foot then returns the pass to their partner with an inside push pass of th same foot.(Outisde touch inside pass same foot)
3) Advance skill-Player A passes to player B, Player B takes a slight touch forward, then completes a pull and drag to set up a pass with the opposite foot.
Coaching Points:
1) Weight of PAss
2) First touch Control
3) Inside and outside of foot
4) Adjust standing foot
5) Quick feet at all times
P-More--complex touch/pass combinations

-20 x 20 yard grid
-Players on each of the four corners
-Player A passes to player B and follows their pass, player B lets the ball roll accross their body, playing it with he back foot to player C. Player c opens up lets the ball roll across their body and then passes to player D
Coaching Points:
1) Accuracy of pass
2) Speed of pass
3) Eye contact
4) First touch

-25 x 25 yard square
-Start with 3 players on one cone and one player on each of the other 3 cones
-Player A makes pass number 1 to player B, Player B makes a short diagonal pass into the run of player A who makes pass number 3 to player C.
-Start with 3 players on one cone and 1 player on each of the other 3 cones
Coaching Points:
1) Accuracy of pass
2) Speed of pass
3) Eye contact
4) First touch

-35x35 yard grid
-2 teams of 6 split playing 4v4 with 2 target players
-4x 5 yard gates (2 blue, 2 red) opposite each other
Team scores point by passing to target player, when target player
receives ball he comes into the 4v4 play with his 1st touch and the
player who scored by passing ball to him takes his place inside
the target gate.
Team must then try to score by playing into opposite target player.
(Team can play back to target just come from but only as support
player and not to gain point, unless they lose possesion of ball
then regain it so the direction of play has been reset to neutral and
they can play into either target player).
First team to x points wins
Coaching Points:
1) Can you receive ball and turn to face the target player which
need to play to next to score point.
2) Receive on the half turn/back foot when possible.
3) Play to a team mates back foot when possible.
4) Check shoulder regularly to assess your situation (pressure/space/opportunities etc.)
5) Speed of play (can I play quick enough to immediately score upon receiving ball).
6) Mentality to always try to play towards your goal first.
7) Can I time my checks to receive ball in enough space to turn and score.
8) Quality of checks/passing/receiving on the turn.

Coaching Points:
Passing and Recieivng