1 ball and cone per player.
Coach in the middle of the area leading the rhythmic warm up, players look to touch the ball in time with the rhythm the coach sets.
Coaching Points:
1. Rhythm and co-ordination of movements
2. Movement of hips

Same as previous
Same set up but now the coach is looking for more specific movements based upon session topic. Movements are now more dynamic and start to include multiple combination ball mastery techniques. EG V move then L turn.
Coaching Points:
1. On toes
2. Movement of body
3. Smaller touch after 1st move, bigger touch after end of combination

Players play in pairs around 4 cones. Both players have balls.
Aim of game is for the attacker to cross either end (orange) line before the defender crosses either nearer (red) line. The attacker always choices which line to cross, the defenders job is to stay as close as possible to the attacker.
Coaching Points:
1. Recognition of defender
2. Use of body to fake
3. Bigger touch out of turn to accelerate
Defender doesn't have ball

Each field split into 3rds, 2 goals, half players attackers and half defenders.
Defender passes to attacker and looks to win the ball back and score, attacker is looking to score. Attacker must enter either of the end 3rds before they can score.
Coaching Points:
1. 1st touch to attack goal
2. Recognition of defender and space
3. End product