1.20 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2.12 players (3 Attackers, 9 Defenders) set up as shown
3.9 pinnies for tails
1.Donkey has been annoying Shrek all day by talking and talking and talking so Shrek decides to pull Donkeys tail
2.Shreks (Taggers) have to pull out Donkeys tails (pinnie in the back of the shorts) as quick as they can
3.Once all the Donkeys have been caught, the game ends
Coaching Points:
1.Look around and be aware of where the Shreks are at all times
2.Keep Shrek’s in front of you at all times to avoid having your tail taken
3.Change of speed and direction to avoid being caught
1.P – Donkeys turn into Shreks once their tail has been pulled
2.P - Donkeys get soccer balls instead of pennys and Shrek must kick them out

1.20 x 20 yard area with a10 x 10 yard area in the center, set up as shown
2.Lots of soccer balls
3.Disc cones
Story/Description: Backyardigans
1.Pablo the penguin’s backyard is a mess
2.Before all players can go to Austin’s house for a snack they must first clean up all the mess
3.To do this players must kick the balls into the manhole in the middle of the area
4.The only problem is there is a man in the manhole who keeps kicking the balls back into the Pablo yard!
5.When all the balls are in the manhole the players get to have their snack!
Coaching Points:
1.Look around to make sure all the balls have gone
2.Big kicks to make sure the ball goes all the way down the manhole
1.Player can start by throwing the ball into the manhole
2.Then kicking
3.Add a second man in the manhole so players have to work quicker

1.20 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2.8 players set up as shown
3.8 balls
1.Each pirate (player) has a ship (ball)
2.Their task is to sail around as many different islands (cones) as they can in order to get gold coins
3.Pirates have 30 second to get as many coins as they can
4.If a ship gets stuck on an island (ball hitting a cone), they must call for the captain (coach) to come and fix their ship
5.If another pirate ship comes close, they can fire the cannons on them (kick the other players ball away)
Coaching Points:
1.Keep your ship close to you
2.Watch out for other ships and islands
3.Sail as fast as you can
1.P – If captain yells “Scrub the deck” all pirates must use the sole of their foot to scrub the deck (ball)
2.P – If the captain (coach) yells “hoist the sail” all pirates must throw their sail (ball) in the air and catch it
3.P – Sharks (coach) also live in the ocean and can attack at any time. All pirates must get back to the dock if there is a shark attack
4.P – The islands have now turned into treasure and the pirates have to sail out to get it. The pirates like to wear the treasure as bangles, earrings and crowns

Bowling Lanes set up as shown
Players kick their soccer balls down the lane and try to knock over as many soccer balls off their cones
Each player takes as many turns as necessary to knock down "pins", then reset and sitch players
Coaching Points:
Aim to keep the ball straight - try not to get a gutter ball
Run up to generate more power in your kick
Both feet and try using several surfaces
Back players up farther away from the "pins"
Only 3 chances to knock them down