Each player with a ball
Juggling - varying patterns, surfaces

To grid setup with two section in each, as shown
One player in each section of the grids, rest of players on one end
Players on end try to get to opposite side one at a time without being tagged by players in grid
If tagged, roles are switched
Taggers must remain inside own section of grid
Coaching Points:
Use of body movement to beat tagger
Identification of space
Change of pace

Organization: Players each have a ball within 15x20yd grid.
Instructions: Players must dribble around grid - avoiding contact with others and staying inside grid.
Execute moves on players
Coaching Points:
Use Messi touches in small spaces
Recognition of space
Change of pace before and after moves, and into space
Technique of moves and dribbling
Selling the moves - body movememnt, use of eyes
Feint, Roll, Roll and step over and cut behind the defender

10x15yd grids - three cones in middle of grid, 2yd gate on each end
Groups of 6 with 1 ball - three players on each end with ball
Players in front must make eye contact before going - dribble at cones, perform move around cones - dribble to other end, next player follows
Coaching Points:
Use Messi touches prior to move, Ronaldo touch after move
Change of pace before and after moves
Technique of moves and dribbling
Selling the moves - body movememnt, ball movement, use of eyes
Feint, Roll, Roll and step over and cut behind the defender
Pass out of move

10x15yd grids - 2yd gate on each end
Groups of 6 with 1 ball - two players on each end, two players on side with balls
Player on side passes to attacker who tries to score by dribbling across opposite end line
Through gate = 2 points, anywhere else on end line = 1 point
Coaching Points:
Use Messi touches prior to move, long touch after move
Attacking the ball when receiving, dynamic 1st touch
Change of pace before and after moves
Technique of moves and dribbling
Selling the moves - body movememnt, ball movement, use of eyes
Feint, Roll, Roll and step over and cut behind the defender
Attacker scores on small goal