B04 10.8.14

B04 10.8.14
战术训练-渗透突破 U13
1 v 1 Activity

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Warm Up/1 v 1 dribbling activity (25 min)

Juggling (5 min)

Dribbling Skills (5 min)

1 v 1 Activity (15 min) Players dribble lace/chop toward center cone, perform various tricks/fakes and proceed to the opposite cone

CP: Head up, keep ball close & balanced

Progrssion: Remove center cone to play 1v1 to opposite side

Sm Sided Activity

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1 v 1 (15 min)

D plays ball to A and closes down. A creates space to finish. Goal or 30 seconds. 1 point per goal. swith sided ea 3 minutes.

Coaching Points: Positive touch onto shooting foot. Planter foot next to ball w/head down. Foot extended & locked. Extend leg back & land on shooting foot.

Penetrating Activity

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Penetrating Activity (15 min)

4v4 + GK's, 2 goals, 2 min. 4v4 in center grid, connect 4 balls @ ea possession before playing penetrating balls.

Restrictions: Neither team can move into offensive/defensive 1/3's (Shadded) until 4 passes are connected and a penetrating ball is played into an attacking player.

Variation: Decrease connected balls to increase balls played in & 1-2 touch restrictions to move balls faster

Stage 4

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Expanded Small Sided Game (15 min)

4 v 4 w/2 neutral players. Restrictions: 5 passes before team can shoot. 3 min or 2 goals, switch in group.

CP: Offer angles of support. Keep hips & sholders open to the ball to receive. Movement after your pass. Communication.

Progression to no restrictions