1. Open area.
2. Every player with a ball.
1. Following juggling routine, players dribble around area.
2. Players perform tasks based on coach's command
Coaching Points:
1. Head up to observe space and pressure.
2. Soft, controlled touches in tight space.
3. Play out of feet into space.
4. Acceleration after moves.
5. Use of both feet.
1. Add series of toe taps, boxes, and running (change balls).

Players set up in channels as shown above
One ball that starts at the end of a channel
Player on the outside of the channel begins with the ball (1)
Ball is passed to the next player in the channel (2)
They then receive the ball and turn to pass to the next player in the channel (3)
Pattern continues until the ball makes it to (5) who receives and goes back to (4) - (3) - (2) - (1)
Make it a race to see which channel can get the ball down and back the fastest
Coaching Points:
Accuracy and Weight of pass
Proper passing technique
-Plant foot pointing at target
-Strking through the center of the ball
Communication with each pass
Restrict which foot you must pass with
Introduce good habits for receiving a pass
-Opening your hips to receive with back foot
-Check over your shoulder for pressure

1. 30x20 area.
2. 3x3 triangles scattered around area.
3. Plenty of balls.
1. Players outside triangles with balls.
2. Players inside triangles without balls.
3. Players with balls look to play a pass to players in triangles.
4. Player receiving must exit the triangle with one touch.
5. Player that makes the pass follows in to occupy the triangle.
6. Constant flow.
Coaching Points:
1. Connection with teammate - visual and verbal.
2. Open body shape to receive on back foot.
3. Movement to receive.
4. Quality of pass.
1. Players cannot exit on the same side the ball entered.