Player A tries to tag the shoulder of Player B Players C & D work with Player B to hide or protect Playr B. Players B,C,D must link shoulders and not break the triangle. Play A must go around the outside of the triangle and not through the middle. Switch players after 30 sec or when Player B is tagged.

1.- A 20 x 20 yards area, set up as shown
2.- 12 players (1 ball per player)
3.- 10 cones
1.- First Player dribbles the ball up to the center cone, perform a Turning Inside Cut, and dribbles back to the starting position.
2.- Four players work at the same time.
3.- Player who is waiting on the starting point will perform same activity as soon as the first player has returned to the starting point.
4.- Control your approach to the center cone
5.- Change speed on the way back
6.- Perform same activity for certain amount of time, then we may switch exercise.
Coaching Points:
Turning - Inside Cut
1.- Step to the side of the ball with the non kicking foot
2.- Pivot on that foot
3.- Cut the ball back with the inside of the opposite foot
1.- Switch foot (right-left).
2.- First Player dribbles the ball up to the center cone, perform a Turning Inside Cut, and dribbles back to the group on the right side.

Move your goals so that you have two goals on one side as shown.
Split your players into two teams if you have pinnies use them as it helps with clarity. Have the teams stand either side of the coach with all the soccer balls with the coach in the middle.
The coach should play a ball out to one of the two teams. The first player in each line runs out and tries to gain possession and score in either goal. If a goal is scored or the ball goes out of bounds the coach shouts “Get Out of Here" and plays in a new ball straight away for the next players.
Can the players move as soon as the coach plays the ball in?
If one goal is blocked by the defender can we change direction and try to score in the other goal.
Can the defender make a "banana run" (red line) to get inbetween the attacker and the goal rather than running straight at the attacker.

Scrimmage: Regular rules. Let game flow freely but coach individual players at appropriate teaching moments.