Technical Warm Up
Unrestricted space
Turns with the ball (Sole, sole-behind, step over, scissor, inside-outside chops) (10min)
1v1's working on taking people on, working on shielding the ball (10min)

Small sided Activity and Expanded small sided activities (30min)
Shooting exercise into transition
A shoots, then B, then C alternating turns allowing GK to recover. Players must shag balls and rotate A-B-C going back on the outside. Different techniques. One side competes vs the other(10-15min)
Variation-A shoots, then defends 1v1 vs B. C then goes 1v2 vs A and B (15min)
CP's-Perform drills at game speed, shooting vs finishing, communicate, be creative, pressure-cover and intensity until ball is won. Once posession is recovered, open up in width and length start counter, use GK as support

Expanded Small sided Activity (20min)
3 v 6 + GKs counter attack
Orange attacks green. Green has 10 seconds to regain posession in their own half then immediately counter attack. 10min each team
Cp's- Good display of defensive priciples on green. Have your #3 and #2 immediately transition into the attack. Find your target player and utilize #'s. Finally, finish your chances!!!!!

Final Activity
3 team transition games (3 minutes or first two goals)
Teams must connect three passes before scoring and use the GK as support
Variation-1 goal or 1 minute games to encourage faster transition
Cp's-fast paced, communicate, defend as a group and attack as a group, read ques to anticipate plays (eg. win the ball on the right-atttack the left side immediately to take advantage of the other team's weaknesses, put chances away