1. One big and one Small square set up as shown
2. Big square 20x20, Small square 5x5/10x10 dependin on age group
3. Players divided into four even groups
4. Each player have a ball to start
1. Players run to and from the first cone infront of their line
2. One their return to the line the player must Hi-5 the next player in line
3.Next player repeats the activity
4. First team to finish activity and take a knee wins
Coaching Points:
- Big steps towards target and smaller steps when you get closer
- Accelerate/Decelerate to execute turns (especially when dribble with ball)
1. introduce soccer balls and repeat drill
2. Each team has one soccer ball and must end dribble with a pass

1. One big and one Small square set up as shown
2. Big square 20x20, Small square 5x5/10x10 depending on age group
3. Players divided into groups of 3
4. 2 attackers - red (each with a ball)
5. 1 defender - blue stands between gate
1. Attackers try to dribble to open cone where there is no defender
2. Defender attempts to prevent attackers from getting to cones
3. Attackers score a point for ever time the stop the ball at the cone
4. Players play for 30sec. then rotate positions
5. Player with the most points at the end of three rounds win
Coaching Points:
1. Attackers must keep the ball close all the way to the targer and back home
2. Attackers must acknowledge the right moments to attack target
3. use proper technique for accelerating/decelerating
1. Increase distance of squares and force players to dribble pass defender into space behind defender

1. Split field into halves or quaters. 20X20 yards
2. 8 - 12 players on each field
3. 2 players go at the same time for 1V1 & games
1. Defending team passes the ball to the attacking team.
2. Attacker and defenders go out for a 1v1 game for 30 seconds or a goal
3. If defenders wins the ball they are allowed to score
4. Each goal is worth 1 point
5. a successful combination of turn, acceleration, and goal = 3 points
Coaching Points:
- AGGRESSIVE MENTALITY Defending & Attacking
- Attackers should try to use the least amount of touches/turns to get a shot on goal
- players should use inside and outside cuts to beat defender going to open goal
- attacker should use proper technique to receive ball before starting dribble
- 2v2 games
- assigned goals

- 15 players split into 2 teams
- playing 8v8/4V4 set up as shown
- Teams play against West/East Team
- half of field playing area
Coach becomes referee
-Attacking Teams ONLY task is to take players on 1v1
- Player must SHOOT whenever and as often as they can
Coaching Points:
- Players should communicate I'm open to teammates when they are in good positions
- Players should dribble when they see no option to pass with the intention of taking a shot
- Limited no. of touches - to encourage off the ball movement