Grid is 6yds x 6yds. Defender Cone in middle of grid for guidance.
Players dribble into grid and perform a feint, scissor, step over, etc. to change direction and leave out different side of grid. Work on going to Left and Right.
Coaching Points:
1.Smaller touches to defender and then big touch away with change of direction.
2.Can we change our speed after direction change and explode away?
3.Can we be deceiptive with moves? Fake one way and go another.

Progression from previous Activity
10yd x 10yd grid for guidance. Defender passes ball to attacker. Each must enter grid from own end.
Attacker must get in and then out side of grid before defender wins ball. Defender can not leave inside of grid.
Defender can leave grid and chase now.
Coaching Points:
1.Positive first touch using Forward foot.
2.Can we change direction and then speed to get away from pressure (defender)?
3.Can we stay composed and get shot towards goal?

10yd x 12 yd grid in middle of pitch.
Coach will drop ball and say Go, 1v1 situation inside grid and then breakaway to goal.
Play is continuous.
Coaching Points:
1.Be Tenacious, Compete for the ball.
2.Can we explode away from defender, change speed?
3.Get head up for composed finish.