Every player with a ball.
Players are asked to dribble ball inside of area avoiding other players using correct dribbling technique showed by coach:
-Use pinky toe to push ball
-On toes/lift heels/knee over ball
-Head up tp observe other players/space
-When space is tight, take a touch with every step like Messi
-When see space to drive into, take bigger touches and accelerate into the space like Ronaldo
-If area crowed with players can you turn into a new space like Xavi
Once players grasping technical aspects shown by coach a competition is introduced:
-players must compete to see who can reach 'X' amount of dribble touches (pinky toe pushs) first, however if they leave the area or hit another player/ball they lose 'X' amount of counts i.e.if have taken 30 dribble touches then hit another player they are back down to a 20 count and may be racing to a 50 count.
-Make sure to at least play twice ensuring 1 game is left foot only and the 2nd is right foot only to train both feet equally.
Add defenders. Every player has a ball apart from the defenders who are holding pinnies. The attacking players start on 10 points each, and the defenders on 9. If a defender touches your ball, the attacker gives them the ball and takes the pinnie to become the new defender along with losing a point. The player with the most amount of points left after 'X' amount of time is the winner.
-Keep head up and check shoulders regualry to identify where the defenders are/where the space is
-Smaller Messi touches in tighter areas, bigger Ronaldo touches if see pockets of space to drive into
-If challenged by a defender, can you shield ball (put body in between defender and the ball) and eventually turn away/beat the player like Xavi without defender getting touch on the ball.

Coaching Points:

2 channels. Players split evenly between the 2 and placed in pairs.
1 Blue 2 yard gate = attackers gate (each player with a ball)
1 Red 2 yard gate = defenders gate
Each channel split into 2 (yellow markers)
Middle zone = zone where players cannot shoot ball from (if needed)
End line split into 3 different scoring zones as shown in diagram (must either dribble over line for 1 or 5 points, shoot in goal for 3)
Attackers start the activity, once the attacker breaks through the gate, game is live and defender can leave their gate.
Attackers try to score via the different scoring opportunites as shown in diagram
The defender cannot cross the yellow marker line
The attacker can shoot from anywhere other than the middle 'no shooting zone'
If the attacker crosses the yellow markers, the defender can steal the ball and try to counter by crossing the attackers (white in diagram) line.
A time limit can be placed onto each round of play by the coach
Once a goal / points are scored, the pair joins the back of their rotations line and switch roles.
After X amount of minutes, the group in the left channel, switch with the group in the right channel.
Coaching Points:
Identification of defender and space
a.Defender behind = Accelerate
b.Defender In Front = Turn
c.Defender alongside and space ahead = Stop-Start
d.Defender alongside and space behind = Turn
Know what you want to do after creating a yard of space (cross, shoot, pass, dribble)
Make sure your final touch is slightly out of your feet (allows head to come up)
Protection of ball (turn away from player, use body to protect the ball) if pressure is tight, no need to protect if pressure is tight
Use disguise (arms, upper body, pretend to strike etc.)
Ball out of your feet (Allows your head to come up) with a bigger final touch
Accelerate away if continue to dribble and look to cut across defender
Quality of end product (shot, cross, pass, dribble etc.)
Take away yellow markers and play full pressure from when the attacker breaks through the gate

2 channels. Players split evenly between the 2 and placed in pairs.
1 Blue 2 yard gate = attackers gate
1 Red 2 yard gate = defenders gate (start with ball)
End line split into 3 different scoring zones as shown in diagram (must either dribble over line for 1 or 5 points, shoot in goal for 3).
Defenders start the activity by passing ball to attacker, once the attacker breaks through the gate with ball upon 1st touch, game is live and defender can leave their gate.
Attackers try to score via the different scoring opportunites as shown in diagram
The game is fully opposed as soon as attacker breaks through gate with 1st touch (defender can then try to steal ball).
The defender can steal the ball and try to counter by crossing the attackers (white in diagram) line.
A time limit can be placed onto each round of play by the coach
Once a goal / points are scored, the pair joins the back of their rotations line and switch roles.
After X amount of minutes, the group in the left channel, switch with the group in the right channel.
Coaching Points:
Identification of defender and space
a.Defender behind = Accelerate
b.Defender In Front = Turn
c.Defender alongside and space ahead = Stop-Start
d.Defender alongside and space behind = Turn
Know what you want to do after creating a yard of space (cross, shoot, pass, dribble)
Make sure your final touch is slightly out of your feet (allows head to come up)
Protection of ball (turn away from player, use body to protect the ball) if pressure is tight, no need to protect if pressure is tight
Use disguise (arms, upper body, pretend to strike etc.)
Ball out of your feet (Allows your head to come up) with a bigger final touch
Accelerate away if continue to dribble and look to cut across defender
Quality of end product (shot, cross, pass, dribble etc.)

Organization: 2 fields, 3v3
Instructions: 4 min games then teams switch and play another team.
Coaching Points: 3 lines of attack, Def - Mid - For.
Look to create space for player in posession
Try to create a triangle giving good angles of support.
Attack space using Messi/Ronaldo touches.
Turn away from the pressure using Xavi.