Ball Work Warm Up (25 min)
Stretch (5 min)
Ball Work (15 min) Station A: Juggling Station. Station B & C: Dribbling & Finishing Stations. Switch Stations ea 5 min
Group Run (5 min)

Gylcogenic Power Fitness (15 min)
30/50 Yard Sprints (10 min): Players Sprint 30 yards & jog back then sprint 50 yards & jog back
Power Jumps (5 min): Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Get into a semi- squat position, and with all your might, jump vertically as high as you can. As you jump in the air, drive your knees to your chest to get even more out of the exercise. Do about five sets of 20 jumps to maximize muscle building.

1 v 1 (15 min)
D plays ball to A and closes down. A creates space to finish. Goal or 30 seconds. 1 point per goal. swith sided ea 3 minutes.
Coaching Points: Positive touch onto shooting foot. Planter foot next to ball w/head down. Foot extended & locked. Extend leg back & land on shooting foot.

Playing out of the back (15 min)
Set Up: Attacking team must play through each 1/3 to score. 2v2in end 1/3. 2v2 + a floater in middle. Man who passes ball into next third can go in to create over load.
Variations: 2 touch
Coaching Points: Offcer angels of support, communication, move the ball quickly

Expanded Small Sided Game (15 min)
6 v 6 ea 2 min or two goals switch, ball starts with keeper
Restrictions: 5 connected passes & one of the following (1-2 pass, short-short-long, wall pass, overlap, etc.) before shooting
Coaching Points: Movement off the ball, move the ball quickly, look for penetrating balls into the attacking 1/3, Immediate Pressure, Cover & Communicati
6 v 6 No Restrictions (15 min)