Players in a circle all facing coach
Each player has a ball and cone to work with
Coach demonstrates a ball mastery technique, and the players repeat
Skills taught in this session are the 3 'V's - front, back and switch feet
Coaching Points:
Always light on toes
Hop as drag ball back
Turn body/hips/toes to face direction of balls destination
Move ball from one side of cone to the other in a V shape
Combine the skills together
Have the players race to complete x amount of the skill/s
The coach continuously changes what ball mastery techniques he is executing and the player must change ASAP with him (now they are forced to look up at coach and not down at ball to keep up with him)

. 10 x 20 yards area, 8 cones, three lines
. 3 to 4 players per group.
. 1 ball on play ( 2 to 3 extra ball )
. Player "A" passes to "B"
. Player "B" passes to "C"
. Player "A" ( passive defender) begins to press on player C's first touch
. Player "C" commits defender, play give & go to "B", "C" dribbles though the gate.
. "A" becomes "B"
. "B" becomes "C"
. "C" becomes "A"
. End product
Coaching Points:
Player in possession of the ball.
. Recognition of space behind the defender
. Identification of supporting player to play return pass with
. commit defender
. Angle and distance of supporting player
. Reduce distance for quicker combination.

Group split into 3, 2 groups are attackers, 1 group are defenders.
Defenders break away to goal to 1 vs 1 with GK. After the ball goes backwards or out ot play the attackers start by a side ways pass and then go 2 vs 1 against the defender who has just done the break away.
Once the ball goes out of play
Coaching Points:
- Commiting defender
- See position of defender (pass or dribble)
- Dribbing with nearest foot to defender
- Angle distance of support

2 teams with Gk's
2 attackers play against 1 defender, when the defender wins the ball or the ball leaves the field the player who touched the ball last has to recover and the player who doesn't stays to defend against the 2 on coming players.
Coaching Points:
- Quick Transition
- Same as previous
- End Product
- Defensive transition

4 vs 4 with 2 neutral players in channels.
4 vs 4 with neutral players in channels, 1 attacker and 1 defender may enter the channel once the ball enters the channel.
Coaching Points:
- Timing of run to exploit overlap
- Movement of forwards to finish once overlap has been exploit
- Good shape to stop counter attack
Take channels away.