30x 30 area
Balls dependent on number of players
Equal amount of players inside the grid and outside
Cones situated throughout the grid
Players look to receive a pass from an outside player and then pass the ball to a different outside player
When players Receive the ball they then dribble past one of the cones in the grid before passing to the outside
After a set amount of time players rotate in the middle and outside
we do not pass consecutively
We also never apply pressure
Coaching Points:
1 Surface area of the foot we pass with
2 How do we receive the ball to then pass to another player
3 We MUST make eye contact before passing
4 As soon as we have received the ball we look to dribble past a cone
Players pass consecutively until coach yells stop

3 lines, 6 cones, 3 attackers, 1 defender
Instructions: Start with 3 attackers and NO defender. Once rotation and technique is established add defnder in the middle as well. Defender goes opposite side that attacker checks to. Attacker receives pass with back foot when there is no pressure.
Once attacker Understands when to take touch with back foot now the pressure is applied to attacker that checks. Now attacker must take touch across body to then pass to target player.
(Line 1 plays to line 2 who breaks line with 1st touch and finds end player. Players rotate. )
Coaching Points:
-Quality of passing
-Receive with back foot
-Body positionig
-Quality of first touch (break the line)
-Check shoulder for pressure
- Defender will apply semi pressure so that player begins understanding when to take touch across the body
- Attackers at the end and middle will play a 2 vs1 scenario after completining the receive and pass

1. 40x30 grid set up as shown
2. Two teams of 6. 4v4 with two players of each team in end zones, as shown.
3. Pugs goals are for progession
1. Players will pass amongst their team trying to make their way to their teammate standing in the endzone.
2. Player A will pass the ball into the endzone to Player B.
3. Player B will receive the ball and dribble out of the endzone.
4. Player A will then take the place of Player B.
5. Teams must complete 2 passes before going to the same endzone again
6. First team to replace 5 players wins the round.
Coaching Points:
1. Angle of approach – Specific technique being coached
2. Head up to observe your target
3. Supporting foot
4. Contact with the ball
5. Contact with the foot
6. Weight of pass
1. Teams can play to the pug goal to score once they have switched one player from the corner boxes. Must switch out a player before a goal can be scored.