1. 1 Player, 1 Ball & cone (as seen above).
1. Players are looking to perform static ball mastery.
- Toe taps
- Side roles
- In, out, forward, back
- Static Scissors
- Stop - Tap
Coaching Points:
1. On toes.
2. Hopping on non - kicking foot.
3. Small touches.
4. Use arms to balance.
5. Use of hips.

1. 15 x 20 Area Size split through the middle and as it showns.
2. 2 groups of 6 running at the same time.
3. Split the groups into two teams.
1. There are 2 channels, 1 with defenders, 1 with attackers.
2. Aim of the attacker is to cross either finish line arms length ahead of the attack.
3. Defenders job is to stay as close as they can when the attackers cross the line.
4. Game lasts 7 seconds, players switch roles every time.
Coaching Points:
1. Attack space ahead.
2. Recognise defenders position.
3. Behind you = accelerate.
4. Alongside you (space ahead) = pretend to turn keep going forward.
5. Alongside you (space behind you) = turn.
6. Defender ahead of you = turn.
7. Once the attacker gets a yard of space look to cut across defender.
1. The finish line is now the line behind the defenders so attackers have 7 seconds to create space and cut across the defenders pathway and across the line.
2. Defenders are trying to tag attackers when they enter their zone.

1. 20 x 15 Area Size split into two.
2. 3 groups running at the same time.
3. Players work in pairs.
1. Player A dribbles and performs the stop - start in the middle of the area.
2. They then turn on the far line and then do the same with the opposite foot on the way back.
3. Players switch roles once the player gets back to the start.
Coaching Points:
1. Head up whilst dribbling.
2. Execution of move.
3. Use of body to fake.
4. Bigger final touch.
5. Acceleration out of stop - start.
6. Immediately pick head up.

1. 30 x 30 Area Size.
2. 2 groups of 6 players.
3. 2 teams in each group.
1. Player A starts with the ball and Player A is looking to get over the line behind defender.
2. Player B can't move till Player A has touched ball and is looking to get over the end line if they win the ball.
Coaching Points:
1. Attack space ahead (bigger 1st touch).
2. Head up to see defenders position.
3. Protect ball if continue to dribble (put body between defender and ball).
1. Players are now looking to score in pug goals behind defender. They can now dribble and beat defender or they can look to create a yard and then get a shot at goal.

1. Area size 30 x 25.
2. 3 v 3 (include GK if available).
1. Players split up into 4 teams and play a round robin tournament where all teams play.
Coaching Points:
1. 3 lines of attack, 1 defender, 1 midfielder, 1 forward.
2. Create as much space for player in possession.
3. Try to create a triangle at all times to give good angle of support.
4. Team mates create gaps, can player in possession look to Messi into them.