Place two cones a couple of yards apart.
Have a player stand on either side of cone gate one player with a ball.
Have players pass ball back and forth between cones.
Player takes a touch and moves ball to side of cone and plays ball back on other side of cone. Use various parts of foot. eg. inside left inside right; outside right inside right.
Game of Slam:
Ball must keep moving.
Player can only take two touches.
Ball must stay on the ground when passed through the gate.
Ball must go through the gates.
If any of the rules are broken the other player wins a point.
Coaching Points:
Toe up heel down ankle locked.
Pass ball through center of ball to keep ball rolling over itself.
Pass foot through the ball and up towards target.
Try to stay balanced and don't lean back too much.
Dance on the balls of your feet in anticipation to receive the ball.
When Receiving get behind the ball, try not to stretch and reach for the ball.
Movement back and forth in anticipation of the weight of the ball.
Anticipate direction of the ball.

Place a line of cones in each half.
Players must defend the cones and attack the other teams.
Use 3 to 4 balls
Place two players behind and two in front. Back players pass the ball to forwards who attempt to knock down oppositions cones. Play a set time or to a certain number.
Coaching Points:
Look for space to shoot pass.
Look to defend the ball
Disguise when passing to the other teams cones.
Back team mates to give the balls back as fast as possible.

Create a grid subject to players age and abilities
Have players on outside in pairs on opposite sides of grid.
Place two or three defenders in the middle of the grid.
Players have to try and pass the ball to each other without the defender intercepting it.
Work together; Controlling the ball; good firm passes into space or feet;
Movement to the free space.

Player with the ball passes ball to player who then attacks two small goals.
If defender wins the ball he can attack the other two small goals.
Coaching Points:
Timing of move; Space to poass ball into goal take it.
Accelerate past defender; Skill to beat a defender. Disguise to one goal go to another.

two small goals on either end of grid(Grid appropriate for age and ability level)
play 3v3 to either end.
Coaching points:
movement off the ball; waiting for the right moment; timing of pass; working together; playing off angles to each other.