Set up cones spaced into squares 4x4. Players in centre of own square w a ball.
Ball mastery in lanes. 10 mins.
Heel Toe, Toe roll, Toe taps, Sole taps, Pull push laces/instep/outside.Inside/ outside rolls.
Spend equal time on both feet w all ball masterys. Max 10 mins.

1v1 moves, Week 3 hook Turn and step on.
Player moves to their 3rd cone, hook turn back to 2nd cone hook again and then accelerate to end line and finish w step on.
COD MOVES. Ask where these moves will work in game senario.

Speed / Reactions session.
Set Up, 20x20 pitch, 2x3 different coloured cones spaced 1 yard apart in centre as shown in diagram.
At either side 1 different coloured cone. 4 x witches hat gates in each corner.
Game: Without ball.2 players face off in centre w fast feet, on coach call {change} players turn 180. On coaches call players race to said coloured cone on either side. Progress into oppossites.
progress into race to ball and then dribble thru one of four gates.
Introduce players zig zag around 3 coloured cones and shuffle down and around before call.

Set up:20x20 pitch, 4 goals in centre w channel in-between.
Coach plays ball thru channel and both players attemp to score. Progress to once scored players race thru closest cone gate and back.
Progress to 2v2,3v3 and players must pass before shooting.

SSG:4v4 max.
4 goals, scoring zones as marked with yellow cones.
Once players score they run back and touch their defending line before they can defend.
If ball goes out of play, ball must be passed in from sideline.
Lots of Goals, lots of fun.