To develop ball control and practicing different attacking moves/feints.
In a square of approximately 10 yards we place a circle or in this case position cones in the centre. Players are separated into groups in the corners of the square.
On the coaches command, players dribble towards the centre of the square perform a feint before taking the ball away to the LEFT, RIGHT, RETURN or STRAIGHT to the opposite end.
The different feints and change of position is pre-determined by the coach.
Coaching Points
1- Keep the ball close to the feet.
2- Make many touches with the ball.
3- Dribbling with the ball should be done with soft touches.
4- Move/Feint - exaggerate the move making a sharp movement in a different direction.

Learning Objectives
Possession game that can be used to coach a variety of topics:
Two teams of 6 play in each half. If reds have possession 2 blues can go in and try to win the ball back. If blues win the ball they have to transfer it into their half of the pitch and go and support. 2 red defenders can then go in and try to win the ball.
Coaching Points:
Receiving skills
Passing skills - type variation, weight, disguise, speed of pass.
Support play - movement off the ball to support ball carrier

Intercepting the ball is an alternative to tackling so we can regain possession to set up an attack.
How to run this drill
The server stands at one end, with the defender standing behind the attacker at the other. The attacker is passive but is allowed to move from side to side.The defender anticipates when the server will pass the ball to the attacker and tries to intercept it by stepping in front of the attacker.Switch roles during the drill so everyone has a go at being the defender.
What players need to think about in the drill.
- Mark goal- and ball-side.
- Stay within touching distance.
- Keep ball and receiver in view.
- Slightly sideways-on body position.
- Anticipate the pass.
-Does passer’s eye or head movement give away intentions? Is the receiver set? Are their checked runs predictable?
- Don’t get turned.
- Jockey - move from side-to-side to hold up the player - if ball can’t be won.

How to develop the drill
Remove restrictions on the attacker's movement. The attacker can now look to receive the ball by moving towards the server and then turn to dribble over the end line.The defender must be able to react to forward movement from the attacker to stay close enough to intercept. If they are unable to intercept the ball they must try to tackle the attacker before they cross the line.

Practice Organisation:
-Pitch is divided into thirds
-IP: Players are allowed to move into any zone
-OP: Players are locked into their own area and must retreat into it if their team lose possession
Emphasis on Intercepting & Clearances.