How/When to turn.

-Speed, agility, and quickness prior to session (10 minutes).
-Warm up with game, burns energy and grabs their attention better.
-30x30yd area.
-4 PUGG goals on the corners.
-All the balls in the middle of the area.
-Groups of 2, no more than 3 players.
-When the coach says "play" the first player in each group runs to grab a ball.
-Player must perform drag back turn before dribbling back to goal.
-Player must dribble ball back to goal, ball must be in the goal before next player can go.
-If player performs turn incorrectly, must run back and touch goal then go try again.
-Team with most balls in goal wins.
Coaching Points:
1.Proper technique of turn.
2. Accelerate out of turn.
3. Head up when dribbling to see goal.
-Shoot ball in the goal.
-Play for a certain amount of time, can steal ball out of other goals.

-Allows coach to work with players individually.
-Implement specific turns for players, challenge players.
-20x10yd area.
-Goals at the end of each area.
-2 cones, 5yds apart.
-Groups of 2 or 3 players.
-Every player with a ball.
-Players dribble out to furthest cone and perform a turn.
-Perform a second before reaching next cone.
-After second cone, look to score in goal.
Coaching Points:
1. Proper technique of turns.
2. Head up to see goal after turning.
3. Speed of turns, body turning while ball turning.
-Coach names specific turn.
-Player can not do same turn at both cones.
-Player cannot do same turn as player in front of them.

-20x10yd area.
-Groups of 4.
-Middle players passes either end and add's semi-opposed pressure to the attacker.
-In turn the attacker does 2 turns and then players to player on opposite line.
-Defender drops out, passing players becomes defender and pressure attacker after their pass.
Coaching Points:
1.Protecting ball
2.Checking shoulder, know where defender is
3.Distance and angle of turn
4. Always looking to play forward
5. Looking to constantly find passing lanes
-Defender chooses what pressure to apply. Attacker must read pressure.

-Turning in game like situation.
-Add in decision making of which turn to make and when to turn.
-30x30yd area.
-4 Teams of 3.
-4 goals, one of each side of the area.
-All the balls with the coach.
-First player in each line plays 1v1v1v1.
-Trying to score a goal in the opponents goal.
-Each team has 3 lives, once 3 goals have gone in, goal is flipped down.
-Team still plays and tries to score in other teams goal.
Coaching Points:
1. Spacial awareness.
2. Goal not open, don't force it, turn and go to a different goal.
3. Speed of turns
4. Decision making: When to turn/when to go to goal.

-40x40yd area.
-5v5 for 6 minute games.
-Team that is off is doing group juggling.
-No restrictions, free play.
Coaching Points:
1. Using turns properly.
2. Sheilding the ball.