Warm up/Arrival activity
Box1 - Passing Square players can pass to a partner using any pass over any distance - players choice of type of pass -
Weight of pass
Exploring what pass is best for them
Box2 - Dribbing Square - players to dribble around avoiding cones
Lots of touches
Lots of changes of direction
Awareness of players moving in same area
All parts of feet
What turns or changes of directions can they use to make themseleves quicker
Box3 - Coerver lines - dribbling - 1st line cones tight so small quick faint touches and chops 2nd line - cones further apart to encourage running with the ball and quick chops 3rd line - cones spread left and right of the player so bigger changes of direction needed
All three lines to be done as quick has possible - make it a race between them
Box4 - Homework practice square - to work on their homework booklet

6v6 but with a 4v2 in each box
1st 2nd 3rd touch - are you ready to recieve at all times
Movement on and off the ball - if you can't see the ball can you move into a better position to recieve
Look after the ball - doesnt always have to go forward
Be positive and creative

Shooting/Finishing pattern
1 passes to 2 - 2 passes to 3 who then dribbles around 1st cone has the player gets to the 2nd cone he must get his shot off - collect ball and goes to the back of the queue ...... 1 and 2 follow their passes.
Repetition of shooting and passing
Can the ball be passed firmly weight and timing of the pass
Communication between the players to ensure timing is correct
Play on two touch ideally
Shooter 1st touch should be positive towards the goal/cone - 2nd touch to the side of the cone to enable a clear strike at goal
Accurity more important than power - get the ball on target power will come over time
Shooters to collect their ball and join the back of the queue

Normal game GK's if possible
Dribble on's or pass on's
4v4 ideally if more add floater or have 4v4v4 with players on the side that players inside can use to retain possession
Tempo high with lots of shots