15x15 grid, two 5 yard goals in opposite corners as shown. Group split in half, starting at opposite corners.
• GK’s starting with the ball are the working GK’s, the opposite group are the attackers.
• The working GK plays a pass across, and then the GK receiving the ball must then attack one of the goals as if they were an attcker.
• The attacker must make a one time pass into one of the goalks, and the working GK comes across to make a diving save on the ground. Session is very passive.
• Advance - The working GK must now come across and try and block a goal by diving at their feet – attackers must dribble over the line to score.
• Once they begin to attack one of the goals, they can only score in that goal and not turn to the other.

Two boxes 5x2 yards, placed 10 yards apart. GK’s in pairs, one in each box opposite their partner.
• Aim of the practice is to focus on the punting/kicking techniques, rather than distance to start with.
• GK’s must punt back and forth with their partner, aiming to land the ball in their partner’s box, for them to catch.
• As the GK’s get better and more accurate, the boxes can be moved further away to increase the distance.
• Similarly, the boxes can be moved closer for the weaker GK’s in the group.
• The practice can be turned into a game, and each completed punt and catch in the box
counts as a point.
• To advance the competition further, each time the pair both complete a punt and catch,
they must move their boxes back 2 yards to increase the distance to punt.
• Have any strong GK’s use their weaker foot.
• Advance the same drill to kicking off the floor.

Plyers have to punt or kick the ball into the target zones before they can move on to a new zone have tp get all 3 zones before the next person in the team can go
Turn it into a game against another team so it becomes competitive

Mark a field up 30x30 with a goal at each end (preferably a full size goal, but cones work if not available). Mark a halfway line and put balls in the goals.
• Group split into two teams, and within the teams, the GK’s select a partner to work with.
• The game starts with one pair from each team starting together in the goals. They are both the GK’s and can save the ball. Both teams take it in turns to shoot
against the opposing GK’s from their own half, switching which GK takes the shot each time.
• Once a team scores two goals against their opposing GK’s, they knock that team out, and they are replaced by a new pair that are waiting behind the goal.
• Each time a GK misses the goal on a shot, they have to run to get the ball as quick as they can, and giving the opposing team an advantage momentarily. The
game continues even if both GK’s have missed and are retrieving their balls.
• Once a team wins two games in a row, they come out and a new pair comes in.