30x40 yard grid, each Player with a ball.
- Players work in pairs. Set number of touches allowed. If player misplays the ball, a point is given to the other player. Play for a fixed time, winners move up to play a new player.
Coaching Points:
- Players try to improve their touches (suppleness, control and foot-eye coordination) by juggling with different surfaces of their feet & body.

10x20 yard area (grid)
Groups of 6 players
Cones / Flags / Markers / Poles (4 different objects matched on each corner)
- First Player in the groups move around the three cones; on coaches command, it's a race to one of the four corners (which ever coach calls out).
- Point to the team of the quicker player.
Coaching Points:
- Head Up
- Quick feet
- Low center of gravity
- Explosive movement to flag or cone that is called
- Quick thinking/decision making
- Opposite of what coach calls (if flag, go to cone and vice versa)
- Vary the movement around the three cones
- Add a pass from the next person in line waiting, and person whose turn it is has to dribble while executing sequence

3 10x15 yard channels
Players set up as shown
- Play starts when attacking player (B) in the middle checks away from the defending player (C), then to the ball to receive the ball played by end player (A).
- Player (D) will check to the opposite side of Player (B) to provide an angle of support.
- Attacking player (B) must play a "flick around the corner" to link play with end player (D) on the endline.
- Defending player (C) will turn to close the space with Player (D).
- As Player (D) "baits" the defender (C) to try to close and win the ball, Player (B) will check down the line to provide an angle of support to play a give-go with Player (D).
- Player (D) will play the ball to Player (B) and receive on the opposite side of the defender (C) and dribble the remaining distance back to the passing endline.
- All players rotate up, and repeat sequence: {Player (A) becomes the defender (C), defender (C) becomes Player (B) and Player (B) moves to become Player (D)}.
Coaching Points:
- Check away first to create space.
- Check at an angle and at speed to create separation.
- Locate ball while traveling.
- Angle of approach.
- Check shoulder to see which side defender is showing.
- Choose correct surface of foot to execute turn.
- Head up to locate end player and determine next action.
- Player (A) becomes another defender for Player (D) to beat 1v1 across the endline.

20x30 area
2 Equal teams
- As eye contact is made, Attacker (A1) checks to receive the pass.
- As soon as A1 checks to the ball, Defender (D1) can come out to immediately defend.
- Once Attacker (A2) plays pass, they come out to join the play.
- As soon as A1 takes their first touch to receive Defender (D2) comes out to make it a 2v2 game.
- Attackers try to score on the two goals on the A1 & D1 side of the field, Defenders try to score on the A2 & D2 side of the field.
- Attackers will switch from A1 to A2 lines, Defenders will switch from D1 to D2 lines.
- Play for certain length of time, switch as a group from Attacker to Denfender after the time period.
Coaching Points:
- Head Up-View Area
- Get in line with the ball
- Select controlling surface
- Determine direction and space to attack
- Disguise to deceive defender
- Combination play to get around defenders

2 fields, 3v3
Players split up into 4 teams and play a round robin tournament where all teams play.
Coaching Points:
- 3 Lines of attack, Defender, Midfield, Striker (rotate players
-Create as much space for player in possession
-Try to create a triangle at all to give good angle of support.
-Look to gaps to attack using Messi touches
-First thought is to go forward then if nothing is on, play back to start again.