Triangle Shape
3 x Players, 10x10x10. Three players working towards a cone and perform a turn and repeat process
Key Points:
Close control leading up to the turn
Stay in contact with the ball once the turn has been performed
Head Up
Check Shoulders (Awareness)
Arms for Balance
Make it realistic and add disguise
Distance from the cone the turn is performed
Using a variety of turns
-Stop Turn
-Drag Back
-Inside Hook
-Outside Hook
-Using both feet
-Change one of the players and make them a limited pressure defender

Triangle Shape
3 x Players, 10x10x10. Two players, working 1 at a time to perform a turn at the cone, whilst the player without the ball applies pressure (No tackle). Change limited pressure defender every minute
Key Points:
Learn to turn safe side, imagine the cone to be a defender
Acceleration after the turn
Trying to get in between the ball and limited defender when turn is performed
Ensure player that the brielfy waiting player is on his/her toes and ready to go
Change limited Defender
Change positions of turning players, so that they can use both feet
Introduce Competition to stimulate player's motivation
- If turning player reaches the cone before limited pressure player, you obtain a point. See who can get the most points.
-If you lose control of the ball, you lose all your points.

25x20 area, with a circle in the middle, players find a opposing colour and play 1v1. A colour to start with the ball. To score a point have to dribble through the circle. Defender cannot win the ball in the circle. But can outside of it. When the ball is won or if ball goes out off play, partner starts attack immediately.
Key Points:
Constant control of the ball
Always keep the ball moving
Check shoulders
Keep the ball safe side
Acceleration after turning
Turn and be positive with the ball when the opportunitity arises
-Distance and approach of the defender
-To turn or shield?
-Defenders allow to tackle in the circle
-Competition amongst the players, each player to play against someone different, 45 second rounds.

Back to Back Goals, 4V4. Play will begin with all the players starting in 1 half off the pitch, Once a team wins possession, must make a minimum of two passess and then dribble in to the other half and in to the end zone, before you can score in any of the two goals. Once a player breaks the line, supporting players and defending team can now enter the other half.
Key Points:
Turn, Shield or pass
Can you turn quickly
Acceleration after turn
Ensure attacking team keeps the ball moving and use the area well
Passing the ball in to space to break the line
Ask defenders to press quickly to make turning and scoring difficult