Learning Outcomes
1. Improve players' speed and angle of approach.
2. Improve players' ability to slow down as space decreases.
3. Introduce players to poke tackling technique.
4. Develop players' ability to identify correct moments to tackle.
5. Develop players' ability to make play predictable.

1. 10x10 area.
2. Four different colored cones laid out as shown.
3. Balls placed on top of cones.
1. First player on line looks to close down correct color on coach's command.
2. Player must hold defensive stance for 2-3 seconds before jogging to back of line.
3. Next player awaits command from coach to repeat the process.
Coaching Points:
1. Speed of approach - close space quickly.
2. Angle of approach - bent run.
3. Slow down as space becomes smaller.
4. Correct stance - "surfer" position.
1. Coach calls out two colors to work on quick reaction/recovery.
2. Coach calls color and direction (e.g. "red inside") to dictate which way player must show.

1. 20x20 area.
2. Players work in pairs.
3. One ball per pair.
1. Both players are passive.
2. Attacker looks to dribble from one endline to the other without trying to beat his partner.
3. Defender looks to keep attacker in front without trying to win the ball.
4. Players work on one side going one way and switch sides going back.
5. Players rotate roles once back at the start.
Coaching Points:
1. Keep the attacker in front.
2. Proper defensive stance - "surfer" position.
3. Eyes on the ball.
4. Move/shuffle feet.
5. Maintain appropriate distance - arm's length.
1. Attacker looks to move more "actively," changing feet forcing defender to change with him.
2. Introduce poke tackle.

1.20x20 area.
2. Goals placed as shown.
3. Players distributed evenly.
1. Defender is live on attacker's first touch.
2. Attacker looks to score on goal placed at the corner of defender's endline.
3. Defender looks to win the ball and counterattack.
4. Rotate roles after 2-3 minutes.
Coaching Points:
1. Speed of approach - close space quickly.
2. Slow down as spaces decreases.
3. Angle of approach - bent run.
4. Make play predictable.
1. Change location of goals to change angle - force inside vs. force outside.
2. Place goals centrally to increase difficulty and add decision-making.

1. 30x20.
2. Teams set up as shown.
1. Every player is partnered up with a player from the opposing team.
2. Players are responsible for their partners.
3. Players can only steal the ball from their partners or intercept passes to win possession.
4. Restarts: kick-in or dribble in. No corners.
Coaching Points:
1. Awareness and concentration.
2. Tracking movement of players.
3. Identify correct moments to tackle.
4. Communication with teammates.
1. End with Free Play.

1. 30x20.
2. Teams set up as shown.
1. Free play: 3v3.
2. Restarts: kick-in or dribble in. No corners.
Coaching Points:
1. Pressure the ball.
2. Close down space quickly.
3. Identify correct moments to tackle.
4. Transition to attack.