1. 30x20 area set up as shown.
2. 10x10 Yellow cone box within each area
3. Team seperated into four groups
1. The attacker is looking to get to either green cone before the defender.
2. The attacker can only make their moves inside the yellow box, once the attacker exits the yelllow box they are no longer allowed to change direction and have to get to the green cone before the defender.
3. Players which roles after each attempt.
4. One point is awarded to which ever per player touches the green cone first. Ties go to the defender.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of directon
2. Change of speed
3. Excelerate after change
1. R - Players can only go one direction

1. 20x20 field, 10x10 grid per team
2. Four teams, 3 players per team
3. One ball per player
1. Player 1 from each group takes "Messi" touches with their right foot to the line in front of them.
2. Player 1 performs Inside Cut with their right foot, makes eye contact with Player 2 and dribbles back to starting position with "Ronaldo" touches.
3. Upon making eye contact with Player 1, Player 2 will begin Messi touches. Player 2 makes eye contact with Player 3. Player 3 makes eye contact with Player 1.
4. Rotation continues until time has expired.
Coaching Points:
1. Fake to pass or shoot planting the non kicking foot in front of the ball
2. With the opposite foot, use the inside of the foot to move the ball behind the non kicking foot
3. Take the ball away with the non kicking foot
Step Over
1. Fake to play the ball with the inside of the foot, moving the foot around the front of the ball
2. Plant that foot and pivot back in the opposite direction
3. Take the ball away with the inside of the opposite foot
1. Players switch to left foot/Inside Cut
2. Players switch to right foot/Outside Cut
3. Players switch to left foot/Outside Cut

1. 20x15 field set up as shown
2. Split players into two teams
3. Multiple Balls
1. Attacking team starts by dribbling the ball towards the red gate.
2. Upon reaching the gate, player must perform one of the turns learned and attack one of the two gates. Player can score a point my dribbling through the blue gate.
3. The Defending player can begin playing once the Attacking player has performed turn. Defender stops the game by winning the ball or playing it out of bounds.
4. Each attacker will complete two rotations, then Attackers and Defenders will switch. Teams keep record of goals socred.
Coaching Points:
Turning - Inside Cut
1. Step to the side of the ball with the non kicking foot
2. Pivot on that foot
3. Cut the ball back with the inside of the opposite foot
Turning - Outside Cut
1. Take a big step past the ball and plant foot
2. Pivot on that foot
3. Cut the ball back with the outside of the opposite foot
1. Defender can score goal
2. Individual points, player rotate after each goal scored.

1. 40x30 grid set up as shown
2. Team seperated into four groups
3. One ball per field with multiple by each goal.
1. Teams will play 5 min games.
2. Water Break
3. Winning teams will play each other.