Objective: Provide exercise to encourage passing, receiving, and movement.
Area: Quarter of indoor surface
Activity: Assign all players a number in two groups. For a team in of 11, one group of 6 and a group of 5. Players should pass and move in order. Exercise 1: Everything 2 touch. Inside receive, inside pass then move. Exercise 2: Receive the ball, make a simple move, and then play ball, move again. Exercise 3: Introduce a second ball. Players 1 and 4 should start with the ball. Include dynamic stretching between activities.
Coaching Points: Proper technique of passing, proper technique of receiving, communication (verbal and non verbal cues), support ball in players' field of vision, movement off the ball (some fast, some just a light jog)

Objective: Provide opportunities for repetition in 2v1 situation coaching the wall pass and overlap.
Area: Divide the quarter of the field in half to provide more repetitions for all players.
Activity: Player 1 plays to player 2 who starts the activity driving at first defender. Defenders cannot leave their zone. Exercise 1: Coach the wall pass only. Exercise 2: Coach the overlap only. Exercise 3: Give players the freedom for both. Defenders work 3-4 minutes then change them.
Coaching Points: Good receiving and passing technique. Players should be encouraged to make good decisions. Go over situational play when to make a pass, when to dribble, committing the 1st defender. Wall pass must have a change of pace. Overlap must have communication and how we create space for the 2nd attacker to run into. Keep score in the last exercise and make it competitive. Coach in the moment, but freeze when you mulitple breakdowns in decision making.
This should be done at game speed for each appropriate level.

Objective: Provide opportunities for repetition in 2v1 situation playing into a target this time.
Area: Quarter of the field using all players in one activity.
Activity: Player 1 plays into player 2 who is a target checking to the ball. Reds can send one defender to put pressure on player 2. Player 2 can turn right, left, or play ball back. If the defender wins the ball, they can play back to their supporting player to make it 2v2. Keep score and play rounds of 4 minutes at high intensity.
Coaching Points: Target player must check shoulders. Player 1 should communicate with player 2 about the pressure. What combinations and movement can you coach with a target player now. How does the pressure relate to player 1's run. Is it a supporting run or penetrating run? What cues are there for the players to realize this? Players should be encouraged to make good decisions. Coach in the moment, but freeze when you have mulitple breakdowns in decision making. How fast when we lose the ball can we regain posession?
This should be done at game speed for each appropriate level.

Objective: SSG where we coach players to find overloads and numbers up situations.
Area: Quarter of the field
Activity: Players play SSG in 4v4 format. You can give extra points for wall passes and overlaps.
Coaching Points: All previous coaching points. Coach the moments when you see wall passes and overlaps that are possible. Catch them being good when they make a good decision. Encourage players to move off the ball creatively.
This should be done at game speed for each appropriate level.