Dribbling - MINI KICKS - "Stuck in the Mud"
20x30 yard area
Each player with a ball
- Each player with a ball dribbling around the area.
- Tagger, also with a ball, tries to tag players as they dribble around the area.
- If tagged, player stands with their ball in their hand and spreads legs wide apart "stuck in the mud".
- The player is un-stuck and back into the game when a teammate passes a ball through their legs - from the front or back.
Coaching Points:
- Proper touches (Messi to keep close; Ronaldo to get away quickly)
- Head up to observe space, teammates and tagger
- Change directions
- Fake out tagger to get around/by
- Tagger has to pass his ball and hit other player's ball

Dribbling - MINI KICKS - Pirate Robbers
20x30 yard area
Each player with a ball
Each player with a pennie in the back of pants (sword)
- Players run around the area and look to steal the sword out of the back of their opponents.
- If sword is pulled, player is frozen, and they must try to grab a sword as a player runs by to get back into the game.
- Player with the most swords pulled wins.
- Play for set amount of time.
- Add ball
- Add specific players to pull.
- Make space bigger.
Coaching points:
Avoid having sword pulled.
Look for, and sprint into the open space.
Try to feint and change direction against other players.

Dribbling/Passing - MINI KICKS - Pirates
- 20 x 30 yard area
- Create two end zones on opposite sides of the field.
- Coach starts as the only Pirate Hunter (defender) to begin, as Pirates (attackers) get hit, they join the coach to make the run more difficult.
- When the coach yells go all the Pirates (attackers) have to make it across the field without being captured (hit) by the Pirate Hunters (defenders).
- In order for the Pirates to be captured the Pirate Hunters must hit them with a pass below the waist.
- If a Pirate is hit, they become a Pirate Hunter on the side.
Coaching Points:
- Look out for cannon balls fired from Pirate Hunters.
- Find space to get forward.
- Stop/starts and change of direction to evade cannon balls.
- Agility to jump and maneuver around cannon balls.
- Each Pirate must try to make it across while dribbling their ball.

Dribbling - MINI KICKS - Cat & Mouse
30x40 yard area
Each Player with a ball
Four goals (Either on the sides or in corners)
- Each player with their own ball dribbling around the area.
- Coach shouts "Find food" to go, "Light's On" to stop (Foot on Ball) and "Cat on the loose" for high speed running with the ball.
- Add a Cats (player in blue pinnie). If he sees your cheese to far away from you he will "eat it" (kick it out of area). Only the best dribblers become Cats.
- Stuck in Peanut Butter = using the sole of the shoe to push the ball forward.
- Found more Cheese = using the sole of the shoe to pull the ball backward.
- Add pugg goals around perimeter = when coach shouts "Family's home", players shoot on the nearest goal.
Coaching Points:
- Outside (pinky-toe) for close control. If your ball is moving on the "Lights on" you get a eaten by the cat.
- Eyes up looking for space.
- Slow down and turn when you get near the edge.
- Head up to locate goal.
- How many times/games (in a row) can you avoid getting tagged?
- How many goals do you score when you shoot?
- As a Cat, how many balls can you kick away?

- 20 x 30 yard area
- Create two end zones on opposite sides of the field.
- When the coach yells go all the Robbers (attackers) have to make it across the field with their soccer balls without being captured by the Cops (defenders) and sent to the Jail.
- In order for the Robbers to be captured the Cops must touch their soccer ball with their feet. If a Robber's soccer ball is touched by a Cop they become a Cop, too.
Coaching Points:
- If Cops are not near, then can the Robbers take bigger touches in order to go faster.
- If Cops are near, can the Robbers take smaller touches to get away from Cops.