1. Open field space as shown
2. 12 players (6 attackers, 6 Defenders) set up as shown
3. One ball per group
1. The defending player starts with the ball
2. The defending player passes the ball through the legs of the attacking player who is facing in the opposite direction
3. The defending player pressures the ball but does no attempt to tackle
4. The attacker must react quickly, retrieve the ball and then beat the defender
Coaching Points:
1. Get to the ball quickly and open up to face the defender
2. 1st or 2nd touch should engage the defender to the ball
3. Observe the speed and angle of approach from the defender
4. Know when to use a fake and feints, and when to beat defender with speed
1. P - Defending player now attempts to win the ball
2. R - Reduce the speed of the pressing defender to a walk

1. 40x30 field set up shown
2. 6 players per side (3 attackers, 3 defenders)
3. Additional balls for each field
1. The second attacker starts the activity by passing the ball into the first attacker
2. Both attacker and defender start the activity from the goal line
3. As soon as the pass is made the defender becomes active and attempts to wint the ball
4. The defender must attempt to win the ball and pass through either of the two counter gates
5. The attacker must attempt to beat the defedner and score a goal
6. After each attempt players return to their starting positions
7. Rotate players after a set limit to ensure all players have equal opportunities to attack
Coaching Points:
1. Check away from the defender at an angle
2. Receive the ball as deep as possible
3. Receive the ball sideways on
4. Shape attacker to shoot at the earlist distance
5. Use this at times to fake and move into new attacking space behind the defender
1. P - Allow the defender to become active before the pass
2. R - Restrict the defender to becoming active after the attackers first touch

1. 30x20 field set up as shown
2. 6 players per field (2 Attackers, 2 Defedners, 2 Servers)
3. 1 ball per field with additional if needed
1. The game always starts fromt he server
2. The player that receives the ball 1v1 against their opponet to goal
3. The other two players reamin inactive unti the game restarts
4. If the ball leaves the area the game is restarted from the server of the correct team
5. The server should look to pass to the best placed player
Coaching Points:
1. Maintain depth
2. Check away from the defedner to receive ball
3. Receive the ball sideways
4. Knowing when to hold, when to turn, and when to shoot
5. Play at speed
1. P - Play 2v2 and allow players to combine
2. R - Allow attacker one touch before defedner is permitted to tackle