- 20x20 area
- 4 Goals
- 12 players
- As many balls as available
- 4 teams and 4 goals (each team has their own goal)
- Number players (mouse) 1-4
- Coach calls out go, and players have to run out, take one ball, and shoot it into their goal.
- Next person doesn't go until ball is in the net.
- Players go until all the balls are gone from the middle.
Coaching Points:
- Quickly retrieve the ball
- Choose appropriate surface of the foot to get ball from pile
- Turn and dribble to own goal
- Aim/Shoot at goal
- Use appropriate surface of foot to shoot (laces)

30x40 area with 4 5x5 squares in each corner.
- At coach command players must run to the middle to retrieve a ball and dribble back to their corner. - - Upon return, next teammate runs to do the same.
- Once all balls are all gone, team with the most in their corner wins.
Coaching points:
- Outside (pinky-toe) for close control.
- Laces for fast, longer distance dribbling.
- Head up to locate your corner.
- Allow dribbling with single foot adding a move (feint, roll, etc.)
- How many can your team retrieve?
- Allow dribbling with either foot. (Regression)

Dribbling - MINI KICKS - Pacman & The Jellyfish
20x30 yard area
- Pacmen vs the Jellyfish
- First player in each line runs out and around their Pellet
- Ball is served to each player
- First to score in their own glass house gets a point for their team
Coaching Points:
- Quickness and agility to get out and around the pellet
- Head up to locate the traveling ball
- Good/positive 1st touch to get the ball out into space
- Head up to observe where goal is located
- Solid contact with shot
- Plant foot and follow through pointed at the glass house
- Players must score in opposite glass house
- Use only one ball instead of one each

1.20 x 20 yard area circle of cones set up in the center, set up as shown
2.4x Pugg Goals
3.Lots of soccer balls
4.Disc cones
5.Parents required to assist
1.Did you know that Hippos eat soccer balls?
2.We have four very hungry Hippos waiting to be fed (pugg goals that parents hold)
3.Players are split into groups and assigned a Hippo to feed
4.Players must run into the middle to collect a soccer ball from the pool
5.Dribble this as close as they can to the Hippo and kick the ball into its mouth (parents raise and drop the pugg goal to signify a mouth opening and closing)
6.When all the soccer balls are gone each player must count to see how many soccer balls they have in their Hippo's mouth
Coaching Points:
1.Get the ball as close as you can before you make your kick into the Hippo's mouth
2.Head up to make sure you kick the ball when the Hippo has its mouth open
3.No hands when collecting the ball from the pool
1.Set a time limit. Players now only have 1 minute to feed their Hippo
2.Ask the parents to open and close the Hippo mouth quickly

20 x 20 area with all the balls on the outside of the area
1. Ghosts (players) are running around free inside the haunted house
2. The ghostbusters (coach) has to try to chase down the ghosts and get rid of them
3. When ghostbuster hits the ghost with his buster gun (ball) the ghost becomes a buster too
4. Ghost then goes to get his ball and helps clean up all the ghosts
Coaching Points:
Keep your head up to see where all the ghostbusters are
Change directions and speeds to get away from the busters
Ghostbusters use the inside of their feet to control and pass the ball at the ghosts
P- Add a ball for each player to dribble
P- Start with more ghostbusters
P- Smaller area to play in