Using the tools of Goal setting and Imagery to reduce players level of state-anxiety and consequenlty improve the skill application in Penalties, Corners and Free Kicks.

Proir to the start of the session, the player recognises the need to improve his set pieces i.e Free Kicks and Corners and highlights that his nerves for being a reason. The session will focus on reducing the players state anxiety by using goal setting and imagery methods.
To begin the session the player will proceed through the 4 areas, using this as a baseline test of ability, to later asses the benefits of inteventions.
On completion of the baseline test the coach will explain the different types of imagery to be interval vs external and allow the player to practice with each type.
The player will begin with a circuit of 5 balls on each area, and will result in a score out of 20.
In areas 1 and 2 the aim is to get the ball into a coned aread around the penalty spot
In area 3 and 4 (Free Kicks) the aim is to get the shot on target without bouncing.
At the end of the session the player decides which type of imagery he prefers and will now use it in future sessions.

By this point the use of internal or external imagery will have been chosen
It will be presumed that a higher quality of physicological respnse will occur in the session.
This will once again be monitored through a score which a player acheives and will be given back to the player.
The aim when taking corners is to aim for the coach who will be stood inside the target area. This will increase the realism of their actions as to decrease their level of anxiety.
The aim for the Free Kicks is to once again, be on target, do not bounce before going in. The coach will be stood as a Goal Keeper to increase realism and decrease anxiety.
The player begins the session by completing the session without imagery then a second time with imagery to see if there has been an improvement in score.

The final session will include:
- opposition affecting the success rate of the player
- player feedback to the coach about how the imagery has worked
- an inclusion of the original baseline test with the use of imagery
- a reevaluation of goals
Area 1 and 2 (Corners) will include a defending and attacking player, with the coned area remaining to aim for. Success is based upon getting the ball into that area again for the attacking player to shoot.
Area 3 and 4 (Free kicks) will include an active GK and the aim is to score without the ball bouncing prior to going in the goal.
The player will complete the set pieces with the ATT an DEF player while using the prefered imagery. The orignal baseline test will then be completed to demonstrate if there has been an improvement in their score.
The overall success of the interventions will be monitored through the athletes perception of anxiety in those situations and consequenlty also the improvement of the skill application in those areas.
On complete of the sessions player and coach discuss fututre goals.