Juggling Challenge - Soccer Horse shoes
1. Two lines of equal numbers.
2. 10 x 15 Yard Area.
1. Players do dynamic stretches and coordination movements through the middle and high skips on the way back.
2. Next player in the line goes as soon as the player in front gets to the middle cones.
Coaching Points:
- Quality of movement

As above
A plays a double pass with B then plays long to C. B applies passive pressure to C who drives at B before playing in D who has made the overlapping run.
Rotation: A to B, B to C, C to D, D to A
Coaching Points:
- Quality of Double Pass and long pass
- Drive at defender with ball
- Dribble with foot closest to support
- Timing and weight of pass
- Timing of overlapping run
- Communication "Overlapping, Hold, Set"
- Use of support as a decoy
- Make sure middle player checks to both sides to work both feet

As Above.
Blue begins exercise by going 1v1 with GK on a breakaway. As soon as blue has scored/missed they turn and defend against 2 players from white team in a 2v1 attack. Game is continuous. Swap roles after 5 minutes.
Coaching Points:
- Breakaway finishing,
- Decision making in 2v1s,
- Types of combinations,
- Communication,
- Speed of play,
- 5 minute competition between 3 teams.
- Play 3 attackers vs 2 defenders

3v3 game - 3 teams - Winners stay on
Coaching Points:
- Recognizing 2v1 situations
- Commit the defender
- Decision making, when to dribble when to pass
- Cue to make the overlapping run - player on ball drives infield.