Set - up
Area can be adjusted to suit numbers.
Inside area 5 x 5 yards
Half of squad on outside with a ball, half on inside.
Players work in 1 min repertitions.
Players on inside must return through central area and exit at 90 degress. NO striaght runs.
Players move round area, avoiding the red area, and perform dynamic stretches of all muscle groups.
Players work for one minute then swap,
- Players perform side foot volleys
- laces volleys
- contol on relevent part of body (chest, thigh etc) as dictated by server, and volley back.
- Headers, attacking & defending
Servers now pass the ball in,
- Players pass back, two touch. Control with one foot, pass with other.
- First time pass
- Recieve ball on back foot, turn, dribble through central area and pass to a free player to recieve back.
- Repreat as above but players swap positions one a pass is done.

Area can be adjusted to suit the numbers / ability of players.
Divide group into 3 equal teams, 2 x attacking teams & 1 x defensive team (work with attacking teams)
One group of attackers in each end area (Area 1 & 3)
The defensive team in the middle area (Area 2)
- Play starts by one of the defensive players passing to an attacking player in either area 1. Two defenders can then go into attacking area to pressure the attackers. (if defenders win the ball can they play the ball to one of the mannequins)
- Attacking team must complete 5 passes before playing into area 3.
- When the the ball is switched into the other attacking area the two spare defenders in middle area then go and pressure the ball, whilst the other two defenders drop back into area 2, and play continues.
- Attacking team must look to complete 5 passes before playing into the other attacking area.
- Can attacking teams play through the defensive unit as quickly as possible
- If ball is in area 1, the defensive team can push one defender in area 3 to try and intercept the pass.
- Attacking team can only have 2 / 3 touches
Key Factors
- Do the team in possession make full use of the area to create space.
- Is there player rotation in order to create areas of space to recieve the ball in.
- Do players look to recieve on there back foot, or, in there stride in order to play forward early
- Players to be aware of there positioning as not to prevent a passing line into opposite area.
- Do attackers use correct pass? Lofted / driven / into space.
- Do players in opposite attacking area react to play to allow quick transition between the units. Passing angles / use of area?
- Do players in possession look up to see the position of the defenders before playing pass?

Set - up
9 v 9
Both teams play a 3-3-2.Work with the blue team.
If yellow team win possession can they play long to there strikers.
Play starts from Blue GK playing out from the back.
Key Factors
- Centre backs look to split as to play from the back. Do they recieve on there back foot and look to play forward early.
- Can the defenders play forward early to strikers and miss out the defensive midfield unit (shaded area). Do the midfield create passing lines by there movement / player rotation off the ball?
- Do players support the attack, by making forward runs behind the unit, do they use the right angles and distances of support.
- Type of pass? Behind the defensive teams units, most advanced players feet.
- Encourage attacking team not to force the pass, if the opportunity to play forward is not on do attacking team look to change direction of play (switch), or, look to play back and create another passing angle using other players.
- Quick transition from defense to attack

1. Players perform light jogs for 1 minute
2. Players perform light stretches for 3 minutes
3. Players perform 1 minute of light jogs