Learning Outcomes:-Develop physical literacy and close control
-Develop ability to dribble ball
-Increase awareness of space

Organization: 20 by 25 area
12 players
Instructions: Taggers have 30 seconds to catch all of the players
If the taggers catch a player, they must stand with their feet apart to make a tunnel and shout for help
To be freed, another player must crawl through their tunnel and out the other side
Coaching Points:-head up
-change speed/direction
Visual Cues:-positioning of taggers
-angle of run taggers take toward players
Progressions:P-add more taggers
R- increase size of area

Organization: 20 by 20 area
10 players
1 ball per player
Instructions: Somebody has let all the dogs(players) out.
It is the Dog Catcher's(coach) task to catch(tag) all the dogs.
If the Dog catcher catches you, you become a Dog Catcher too.
Dogs must dribble their soccer balls from one safe zone(end line) to the other.
The game starts each time by the Dog Catcher asking who let the dogs out?
Coaching Points:-keep ball close
-head up
-use of correct surface
Visual Cues:-positioning of dog catcher
-awareness of space(where is it?)
Progressions:P-start with multiple dog catchers
R-The dog catcher can only tag you by tagging your ball

Organization: 20 by 20 area
12 players(4 groups of 3)
12 balls
Instructions: All the gold(balls) is centrally located in the bank (center of the area).
The robbers (players) take turns to go to the bank and get a piece of gold.
The game finishes when all the gold has been taken from the bank and the team with the most gold wins.
Add a police officer(coach) into the game to catch robbers after several turns.
Coaching Points:-keep the gold close to you
-grab gold quickly
-use correct surface of your foot
Visual Cues:-positioning of police(coach)
-speed of other robbers
Progressions:P-once all gold is taken, players can steal gold from each other
R-decrease distance to gold

Organization: 20 by 20 area
8 players
1 ball per player
Instructions: Players have to dribble through as many different gates as they can in a set time.
Players are not allowed to go through the same gate twice in row.
When time runs out they have to get back to the cave as quick as they can.
On the next game, players have to beat their score from the game before.
Coaching Points:-keep ball close to you
-head up
-use different parents of your feet
Visual Cues:-positioning of other players
-open gate(where is one?)
Progressions:P-players now have to go through a gate, turn, and come back through same gate
R-add more gates

Organization:two 20 by 20 areas
12 players(4 teams of 3)
1 ball per game
Instructions: players play small sided 3 v 3 games
normal game rules apply(goal kick, throw-in, corner kicks)
if a goal is scored, scoring team must run back and touch their goal before being allowed to defend
play for a set time and then rotate teams
Coaching Points:-head up
-use different surfaces of your feet
-attack forward/defend backwards
Visual Cues:-positioning of other players
-awareness of space to exploit(where is?)