1. 40x30 field set up a shown
2. Separate teams into pairs
3. One ball per pair
1. Players will pass the ball to each other.
2. One player will pass the ball forward into space for the other player to run onto.
3. Once the player has run onto the ball and stopped it, players again begin passing back and forth.
4. Players continue passing, switiching roles of running onto the ball into space.
5. Players will work for an allotted amount of time.
Coaching Points:
1. Keep feet moving, on balls of feet
2. Weight and accuracy of pass
3. Angle of pass

1. 40x30 field set up as shown
2. Separate into players into two teams
3. Multiple balls
1. Each team has two goals and an endzone to defend.
2. A player can score by dribbling into the endzone and scoring a goal.
3. Once a player is in the endzone, they cannot be defended.
4. Teams will play for allotted amount of time, keeping score.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of direction and speed
2. Use of deception
3. Vision, decision making
4. Angle, distance and timing of support
5. Verbal and visual communication
See next slide

1. 40x30 field set up as shown
2. Separate into players into two teams
3. Multiple balls
1. Each team has two goals and an endzone to defend.
2. A player can score by dribbling into the endzone and scoring a goal.
3. One defender is allowed to enter the endzone to defend, once an attacking player has dribbled into the endzone.
4. Teams will play for allotted amount of time, keeping score.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of direction and speed
2. Use of deception
3. Vision, decision making
4. Angle, distance and timing of support
5. Verbal and visual communication
See next slide

1. 40x30 field set up as shown
2. Separate into players into two teams
3. Multiple balls
1. Each team has two goals and an endzone to defend.
2. A player can score by receiving a pass into the endzone and scoring a goal.
3. One defender is allowed to enter the endzone to defend, once an attacking player has entered into the endzone.
4. Teams will play for allotted amount of time, keeping score.
Coaching Points:
1. Change of direction and speed
2. Use of deception
3. Vision, decision making
4. Angle, distance and timing of support
5. Verbal and visual communication
Conditioned Game: Players can either dribble into or pass inot the endzone to score goals.