Organization: 40x40 1 ball per player.
Instructions: Following ball mastery and juggling, players dribble their ball in area. Perform various actions on coach's command (e.g. roll, inside of foot, outside of foot, and so on).
Coaching Points:
Head up to observe space.
Close ball control - Little toe dribbling (Messi)
Space available - run with the ball/instep (laces) (Ronaldo)
Selection of surface
Progressions: 1) Weaker foot.

- 4 player per Station
- 2 Balls
- Ladders
- Hurdles
- Distance 20 yards
- Objective is to have the players focus on Dribbling and Skill technique.
- Player will perform SAQ before stepping into the activity to dribble.
- When player crosses the halfway point (trigger moment to perform SAQ)
Coaching Points:
- Close Control
- Head up
- Yard Distance on perfroming the move
- Next action accerlate into space after performing the move
- Proper technique (Skill Move)
- The Roll
- SIngle Sisscor
- Sisscors
- Competition in each skill move

- 20 x 15
- 3- 4 Players Per Station
- 2 Balls
- Objective: Player have to dribble to opposite side without the defender winning the ball.
- Everytime Player gets across: Get Reward with a point
- Players must identify how, when, and where to attack
- Command Players to use Skill moves, so they can feel confident with the ball ( To develop Creativity)
- If defender wins the ball ( Player swap roles)
- Defender is only allowed to move from cone to cone (laterally
Coaching Points:
- Head up
- Close Control
- Attack in Speed
- Recognize the moment to Change Direction/Speed
- Proper moment to perform the move when facing a defender
- Proper Technique on using the Skill move
- Enforce on using the Skill move ( Challenge)
- Can Add 2 defender in the middle (Simple to Complex)

- 20 x 15
- 4 Players per station
- 2-3 Balls per station
- 2 mini goals per Station
- Objective: is to have players experience 1 v 1 moments into the attack and Identify the correct moment to perform a move agansit Defender
- Rotation: Once the task is completed, players swap roles (Defender now becomes an attacker) (Attacker becomes a Defender)
Coaching Points:
- Head up
- Close Control
- Attack in Speed
- Recognize the moment to Change Direction/Speed
- Proper moment to perform the move when facing a defender
- Proper Technique on using the Skill move
- Attack the front foot (Away from Defender Tackling Radius)
- Yard Distance between you and defender (Performing the move)
- 2 v 2
- Add a Challenge ( Player performs a successful move gets 3 goals)

- 30 x 30
- 6 players
- 1 Ball
- 4 Gates
- The objective is to have the player enhance their Dribbling technique and will force them to have 1 v 1 scenarios
- To recieve a point player must dribble thru a gate.
- The team will be assigned on what gates to pentrate.
Coaching Points:
- Head up
- Close Control
- Attack in Speed
- Recognize the moment to Change Direction/Speed
- Proper moment to perform the move when facing a defender
- Proper Technique on using the Skill move
- Attack the front foot (Away from Defender Tackling Radius)
- Yard Distance between you and defender (Performing the move)
- When, Where and how to dribble? What Type of Dribbling Pressure is? Tight pressure (Close Control)
Low Pressure with open space ahead (Big touches)
- Have players use a skill move agansit a defender before dribbling thru a gate
- Free Play

- 30 x 30
- 6 Players
- 1 Ball
- Objective is have player develop their dribbling into a realistic game scenario
- Each Team will be assigned an endzone (A or B) to pentrate
- Player must dribble inside the endzone to recieve a point
Coaching Points:
Head up
- Close Control
- Attack in Speed
- Recognize the moment to Change Direction/Speed
- Proper moment to perform the move when facing a defender
- Proper Technique on using the Skill move
- Attack the front foot (Away from Defender Tackling Radius)
- Yard Distance between you and defender (Performing the move)
- When, Where and how to dribble? What Type of Dribbling Pressure is? Tight pressure (Close Control)
Low Pressure with open space ahead (Big touches)
- Have players use a skill move agansit a defender before dribbling thru a gate
- Free play

- 40 x 40
- 8 Players
- 6 Goals
- 1 Ball
- Two Endzones
- Objective: Players will work on dribbling (1 v 1) in a directional acitvity
- Players will be assign an endzone to attack
- In each endzone there will be 1 player (D) to prevent/delay the attacking player to pentrate.
- Player with the ball is the only allowed to attack in the endzone (1 v 1)
- Team to Score in the net will recieve a point
Coaching Points:
-Head up
- Close Control
- Attack in Speed
- Recognize the moment to Change Direction/Speed
- Proper moment to perform the move when facing a defender
- Proper Technique on using the Skill move
- Attack the front foot (Away from Defender Tackling Radius)
- Yard Distance between you and defender (Performing the move)
- When, Where and how to dribble? What Type of Dribbling Pressure is? Tight pressure (Close Control)
Low Pressure with open space ahead (Big touches)
- Rotation
- 3pts if the Att. Player use a skill move to beat a defender inside the endzone
- Free Play