video analysis change of direction

video analysis change of direction
技术训练-盘带 U10


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25 X 25

Each player with a ball


Players will be encouraged to use the four key parts of their foot to dribble the ball in the area





Coaching Points:

- Use different parts of the foot when dribbling

- Heads up to see space

- Interaction with teammates



Tag Soccer

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25 x 25 Grid


2 taggers, if you soccer ball gets kicked out of the are, you become a tagger, and have to help the taggers kick everyone's soccer ball out. Person who can keep their ball in the are the longest wins.

Coaching Points:

- Dribbling using all parts of your foot

- Head up to see where taggers are

- Keep ball close

- Chnge direction to avoid taggers


Make the area smaller to have more 1v1 and reduce the occurence of players who stand still in a corner.

Increase number of taggers


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20 X 20 area

13 small cones and one big one

12 players, 4 lines with 3 players

1 ball per player


1 When coach yell go players will use the MESSI dribble to dribble through the gate in the middle and perform the drag back and dribble back to line. The next players in line will repeat the sequence.

2. After players use the MESSI dribble to the middle and perform the change of direction move now the will use the RONALDO dribble to get back to line.

3. play for 2 minutes then use the weaker foot.

4. player now dribble to the middle and perform turn. after player turn make eye contact with teammate which give him the green light to go.


1.Now use one ball per group.

2.When coach says 'go', players will dribble to the middle and perform the DRAG BACK, yell the words 'ONE' and dribble back and leave the ball for the next player. Next player will go and do the same, yelling 'TWO' when they return, and so on and so on until they get to 'twelve'. When ten reps are completed players will sit in a straight line to let the coach know they are done.

3. Give 4pts to the winner 3 second 2 third 1 fourth place.

4. Play until one team has 10 points.

5. Winner of the game have the loosing teams do one of the following 10 times,donkey kicks, star jump, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc.

Coaching Points:


- Drag the ball back with the sole of the foot.

- Turn to the side of the foot that is being used.

- Take the ball away using the opposite foot.


1.Explode using RONALDO dribble

2. use weaker foot

3 .have teams compete against each other.


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1.20x20 grid

2.2 teams of 6 players

3. 2 pugg goal facing away from each other.


Defending player starts with a ball, serve it to attacking player, and pressure after first touch. Attacking player is instructed to play 1 v 1 and try to score in either goal. Rotation: Offense and Defense rotate

Goal = 1 pt

Goal after performing drag back = 2pts

Coaching Points:

- Drag ball towards you with sole, push it back with inside of foot using the same foot

- Add hop to open up hips

- Push out of feet to plan for next move

- Accelerate after move to get away from defender.


1.Pass and pressure without attacker first touch.

2.Compition first team to 10pts win losers 5 star jump.


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Play 3v3 tournament