Crossing and finishing exercise with basic link up progressing to pressure.

Crossing and Finishing Part 1
30 long / 60 wide
Ball starts with GK who rolls it out to the left or right. In the example it is rolled to player A who switches to the opposite winger. Both A and B make attacking runs into the box to meet the cross from the driving winger.
The play then starts with the opposite GK. It is essential that the GK's vary which side they feed to so that all 4 wide players are involved.
A and B join the back of the lines on the side of the goal they just attacked. Wide players can be rotated every few minutes if needed
Coaching Points
- Weight, timing and accuracy of pass wide and cross
- Timing and effectiveness of attacking runs
- Type of finish depending on the situation

As in Option 1 the GK rolls the ball out to player A or B. In the Example it's rolled to player A who switches to C. C drives to the bye line, cuts and sets the ball for the supporting full back (player D) who whips it in first time for the 2 attacking players.
Same as option 1.
Coaching Points
- Quality of drive and run from wide player
- weight of set pass to FB
- Quality of whipped cross

As in option 1 and 2 the GK rolls the ball out to the left or right. In the example Player A rolls the ball into the strker in orange who sets to player B who releases wide player C. The wide player can deliver or set the FB.
A, B and the striker attack the cross against the 2 active defenders.
Rotation is the same as option 1 and 2
There will be 2 strikers. One working and one resting each time