SFA C Licence - Finishing Session

SFA C Licence - Finishing Session
技术训练-射门 U15
Developing Technique

transition image

Set Up:

- 40x60 box

- 16 players

- supply of balls

- x2 mannequins/markers

- x4 cones


- A passes ball to B

- B takes positive touch and drives to mannequin

- B goes past mannequin and has shot

ROTATION - A follows pass to B, B collects shot and joins A que

Replicate with C&D

Coaching points:

- Take positive touch out feet

- Plant standing foot beside ball

- Get body over ball and facing target

- Strike through the ball with laces

- Land on striking foot

Adding Pressure - 1v1

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Set Up:

- Remove mannequin


- A plays 1/2 with B and recieves ball

- A drives toward goal as B becomes defender creating 1v1

- A must try to beat B and finish, B has to try and win ball

ROTATION - B collects ball and returns to A que. A moves to B que

Replicate with C&D

Coaching Points:

- Drive at opponent positively

- Encourage an early shot at goal if on

Game Related - 2v1

transition image

Set Up:

- 2 boxes

- 16 players

- supply of balls

- 2 GK


- Coach plays ball in and shouts 1 or 2. (1=1 player, 2=2players)

- A+C then race for ball

- Winning player then gets help from player in box to create 2v1 or 3v2

- Overload creates shooting opportunity

ROTATION - A moves to que for box, B joins A que. (C&D replicate)

- GK rotate each time

Coaching Points:

- Drive positively

- Take shot if on

- Pass early to create shooting opportunity

- Strike through ball

- Body over ball facing target

Conditioned Game

transition image

Set Up:

- 40x60 box

- 16 players

- supply of balls in goals


- 5v5 in area with 2 players either side of each goal

- use end players to help create scoring opportunity


- Must use an end player to set up scoring opportunity

Coach what you see.