Organization: 30x20 Area set up as shown, 3 seperate channels.
Instructions: The Gauntlet. Each defender is a next level to the gauntlet. Attackers stuff a penny into their shorts. Defenders try to swipe penny from attacker running through. Next attacker may begin once the first attacker crosses into the second stage into the gauntlet (red cones shown above)
Coaching Points: - Attack with speed
- Use a feint to try to get by the defender
- Attack space in front of you if its there
- After getting by the defender accelerate into open space
Progressions: Add a soccer ball to the attackers after showing them the specified move for this exercise.

Organization: 30x 20 Area as shown above.
Instructions: Players perform the Roll technique at each cone.
Coaching Points: Use the sole of your foot to drag ball across the body.
- push the ball with the outside of the foot after getting by the cone/defender
- timing of the roll
- commit the defender with ball into defenders tackling radius
Progressions: - Scissors, roll-scisscors

Organization: 30x20 Same drill as first.
Instructions: Players now perform the first drill however with a ball and now a sense of technical skill to perform when approaching defender. (Roll)
Coaching Points: - Identify defender
- Identify space
- Timing of the move
- Attack with speed
- Attack space.
Progressions: 2 defenders in each zone.

Organization: - 30X20 Same Area used for previous drills
- 3 teams (3v3 above but will adgjus according to how many players show up)
- 1 Nuetral if necessary
Instructions: - Small Sided games tournament style.
- Each team picks a professional club team name as their team posing to play in the EPL. 1 team much sit out to create more competition. First team to score stays on or at the end of 2 minutes the game is over and ends in a tie. Player from each team then plays rock paper scissiors to see who stays on (players must trade off on who is able to play rock paper scissors if others get jealous or angry that they aren't able). 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for a loss. At the end of 15 minutes the two bottom teams then play in the semi-finals to determine who plays in the finals against the team at the top of the table. Championship then follows.
Coaching Points: Make sure to create a fun environment!!!
Progressions: Award extra points towards the end of the tournament for various things such as: Nutmegs, Creative goal celebrations, etc.