Key Learning Outcomes
-Players will demonstrate improvement in the outside push pass technique
-Players will be able t perform a wall pass in a game like situation

-As many players as you have
-Players in White with ball
-Players in Blue no ball.
Intro to wall passes, 1 & 2, or give and go
White Players find an open Blue player, and Combine using a wall pass
Coaching Points:
-Proper technique with inside of foot
-After Pass change of speed to receive. Imitate runs like Cristiano Ronaldo or Thierry Henry
-Check in to white. Imitate Juhino or xavi
-Make pass into space in front of white, not to feet.
-Read Teammates run, if slow runner hold ball for an extra second, if fast try one touch if possible
White switch roles with Blue.
Try to do it around a player (depending of level of skill)

15 x 15 yard area, set up as shown
Player A, messi dribbles toward the cones in the middle, they then pass the ball to player B to their right side, using the outside of the foot, they then continue their run to join the line directly in front of them, Upon reciving the ball player B messi dribbles toward the cones in the middle and passes to player C, they then contine their run to join the line in front of them
Coaching Points:
-Angle of approach – center or off center
-Pass off the front foot
-Supporting foot is behind the ball
-Ankle locked with toe pointed down
-The knee of the kicking foot is over the ball at contact o Contact Ball – middle
-Contact Foot – outside
-Disguise your pass

Use Goals or Puggs Or cones
Blue Players with ball
Blue Passes to white and shadow pressures.
1sr White receives, Combine with2nd White teammate using wall pass and finishes.
2nd White recognizes 1v1 and checks in at angle for support and combine.
Coaching Points:
White makes Blue Commit to them by dribbleing and timing to make wall pass.
Quick Change of speed to reveice ball.
Imitate Thierry Henry ( pass and change of speed) and junhino (checking in and passing).
2v1 Opposed
Blue and white Switch Roles.
Add GK

2v2 + GK
Same rules as semi opposed. But this time its 2v2
Attacking team:
Taking on defender and scoring 2Pts
Single Pass to teammate 3Pts
Wall Pass 8Pts
Defending team:
Win ball and score 2pts.
Single pass to teammate 3pts
Wall pass 8pts
Coaching Points:
White makes Blue Commit to them by dribbling and timing to make wall pass.
Quick Change of speed to receive ball.
Second White, needs to recognize a 1v1 from his teammate with ball. He/she can check away first in order to make a 1v1 and quickly check in for a 2v1
Imitate Thierry Henry ( pass and change of speed) and junhino (checking in and passing).
Switch Roles and GK

3 teams of 4
4v4 in zone A
Triggers Start from coach on sideline.
4v4 in Zone A
Only one player can get in Zone B using a wall pass and making it a 1v1 vs gk
No Defenders in Zone B
3rd Team thats sitting out, 2 can be guest keepers for either team, and other two can rest and get soccer balls back to sideline when teams switch on and off.
3rd team has two players guest gk and other two can be Neutrals on sides making it 4v4+ 2 Neutrals with in Zone A.
Coaching Points:
-Have supporting players recognize 1v1 situation and check in to make it a 2v1 and combine.
-Second pass into space
-Quick change of speed to get to ball.
-1 Defender fcan now go into zone B
-2 Attackers can now go into Zone B after a wallpass is made.
-Take cones out of middle and play 4v4
-Winners stay on for more competition.