40x30 area
ttwo teams of 6players.
A lot of balls.
Red team seve the ball with their hands.
Blue volley and half volley back to sever.
After passing the ball, they go thru the middle square to find another server.
Coaching Points:
Identified the fligh of the ball.
Strike the ball with laces.
Toe pointed down.
When ball going up for half volley.( slightly over the center)
When ball going down for volley.( at the center)

40x30 area.
three group of 4 players.
A ball per group (extra around).
Half volley. Players A pass the ball B with hand , B let theball bounce andhalf volleys the ball to C, C contol and pass to D. Then swicth.
Volley. Players A pass the ball B with hand , B let theball bounce andhalf volleys the ball to C, C contol and pass to D. Then swicth.
Coaching Points:
Volley the ball with your laces, slitghly over center of the ball when going down.
Half volley the ball with your laces, slitghly over center of the ball when going up.
Lean forward.
Thru the ball.
End up with a scissor motion from your striking ball and balance arm.

40x30 field with small goals.
2 team of 6 players.
A lot of balls.
Team score by heading the ball into the goal
Players must pass the ball to the target players next to the goal who serve it to his teamate running toward the goal. On throwing teamate must receive the ball off the ground or they loose possession.
Coaching Points:
Quickly find the forward/server with a thru ball/lofted ball over defense.

Game - No restrictions 6v6
50x30 yard.
Let them play, but look out to re-inforce session pointers.