1. Player play in grid (30x30)
2. Three teams of 4 players
3. One ball per group
1. Players Pass - Receive and Move within team
2. Players must take a touch before receiving the ball
3. Perform dynamic strecthes in between rounds
Coaching Points:
1. Receiving:
a. Get in line with flight of ball
b. Open door (inside) / Toes down and in (outside)
c. Contact center of ball
d. Cushion on contact
e. Always take first touch in direction of decision made
a. Get in line with flight of ball
b. Open door (inside) / Toes down and in (outside)
c. Contact center of ball
d. Follow through
e. Accuracy & Pace
3. Always look to move to provide an option for 1st attacker
1. Competition:
a. Players must make a certain number of passes to Win (ex:35)
b. After passes are made last team to sit loses (ex: 5 push-ups)

1. 16 players
2. 8 players in central grid (5x5)
3. 8 players in outer grid (30x30)
1. Outer players start with the ball
2. Central players check to the ball and receive pass from outer players
3. Perform a receiving technique:
a. Receive Inside,pass back with same foot
b. Receive Outside,pass back with same foot
c. Receive Inside/Outside pass back with opposite foot
Coaching Points:
1.Get in line with flight of ball
2. Inside: Open Door (foot sideways),Toes up (ankle locked),Cushion on contact
3. Outside: Toes down and in (ankle locked), Cushion on Contact
4. Calling for the ball with confidence-creating good habits

1. Same as previous activity
1. Central players start out with the ball
2. Central player passes the ball to outer player and then pressures him/her w/o stealing ball
3. Outer player takes 1st touch away from pressure and dribbles trhough box to continue pattern
Coaching Points:
1. Recognize where pressure is coming from
2. Use receiving techniques used in previous activity
3. Dribble quickly to create separation from defender
1.Defenders become live
2. Players must take 1st touch away from defenders, once attacking player has gone past defender (2 yrds), defender goes on the outside
3. If defender wins ball back, they contnue as atackers
4. Players will play for a minute
5, Coach will not signal when time will be up
6. Players that are defending when time expires (ex 10 push-ups/15 sit-ups)

18x24yd grids - 4 players in pairs with one ball in each grid
2v2 - score in small goals
Play for ~1 minute, then get promoted or relegated each round
Coaching Points:
Recognize when to go at defender 1v1
Use of touches and changes of speed
Use of options to beat defender - fake pass, fake shot - use eyes

1. Area size 30 x 25.
2. 3 v 3.
1. Players split up into 3 teams and play a round robin tournament where all teams play.
Coaching Points:
1. 3 lines of attack, 1 defender, 1 midfielder, 1 forward.
2. Create as much space for player in possession.
3. Try to create a triangle at all times to give good angle of support.
4. Team mates create gaps, can player in possession look to Messi into them.