working with the outside defenders and wingers,with the coach delivering balls to the goalie.
set the two players on top of the semi circle, the coach or the second goalie will take a shot on net, as soon as the goalie catches the ball the 2 defenders will automatically look to take their shape.
coaching points: even thoug is a drill for the defenders and wingers, goalie still has to do a quality distribution of the ball.
players A and B how fast can they get their shape, if ball is delivered to either player can they receive on a half turn, and can they execute a quality control.

same set up as the first exercise but now have a player applying pressure to the pass made to the goalie.
can player A and B get their shape fast with pressure, can the goalie recognize which player is a better option to pass to.
can Player A and B receive on a half turn.

now adding a centre back and an extra player applying pressure the idea sitll the same defenders get their shape fast centre back creates space for himself in the middle checks away and checks to, if safe to do so can the goalie play centre back who will then play one of the defenders on the wing.
progress by having the players who are applying pressure more game realistic and actually trying to win the ball.