25x20 yard area
Each player has a ball
Player react to the call of the coach.
The coach calls out a number and the player does the action which relates to this number.
1 - right foot on top of the ball
2 - left foot on top of the ball
3 - change direct withthe outside of right foot
4 - change direction with the outside of left foot
5 - perform dragback/pullback with right foot
6 - perform dragback/pullback with left foot
7 - outside cut with either foot
8 - inside cut with either foot
Coaching Points:
Keep ball close to ensure quick reactions to the coach's call.
Keep head up when dribbling as to avoid other players.

Player passes ball to wide teammate who receives ball and shoots.
Player who passes now becomes receiver. Switch lines after shooting.
Continuous play.
Coaching Points:
Receive with positive first touch, forward foot.
Execute proper shooting technique, as learned, to strike the ball towards goal.
Angle of approach - just off center.
Quick glance to see target
Non-kicking foot alongside the ball.
Keep ankles locked.
Point of contact on ball will vary according to target area of the goal.
Make contact with laces.
Keep head over the ball upon contacting the ball.
Follow through landing on shooting foot.
If players score in the pugg goal that is 1st post they get 1 point but if the score last post they get 2 points. This would teach them to shoot across the goalie.

-20x25 yards
-Players and balls split between each left post
-Players dribble out at the same time to the middle cones
-Take a prep touch and shoot
-Rotate lines and which direction they take their prep touch
Coaching Points:
Angle of approach - just off center.
Quick glance to see target.
Non-kicking foot alongside the ball.
Keep ankles locked.
Point of contact on ball will vary according to target area of the goal.
Make contact with laces.
Keep head over the ball upon contacting the ball.
Follow through landing on shooting foot.
Players must perform trick to dribble pass the defender (cone) and score.
Add a defender to the cone to add full pressure, creating a game situation (1v1)

20x20 yard area
2 teams (3v3) 1 ball
Both team are attacking and defending the same goal.
Players must shoot from outside the cone line 10 yards away from the goal.
Coaching points:
Angle of approach - just off center.
Quick glance to see target.
Non-kicking foot alongside the ball.
Keep ankles locked.
Point of contact on ball will vary according to target area of the goal.
Make contact with laces.
Keep head over the ball upon contacting the ball.
Follow through landing on shooting foot.
Goals scored using correct technique count as 2.
Players must make 3 passes before they can take a shot.