2 Area of 20x10
area set up as shown.
1. Players of both team run to cone A, bend their run and touch the ball witheir hand. First one to get there get the point.
2. Players of both team run to cone A schuffle to C and again run to B, each time touching the ball on top of the cone with their hands. First one to finish got the point.
Coaching Points:
1. Angle of approach
2. Speed of approach
3. Body shape, knee bent, standing on the ball of the foot.
4.Jockeing movement.

Two 20x15 yard area
12 players( 2 team of 6)
1 ball ( extra around)
1. Teams play 2v1 to goal, the two field start at the coach command.
2. The game starts by the defending player passing attacking team dribbling the ball into the area the defender has to hold the 2 attackers for 20 second and get a point.
3. After each atempt on goal or after the 20 seconds a new attacking team starts the game from behind the goal
Coaching Points:
1. Speed and angle of approach should force 1st attacker away from the goal
2. Separate the 2 attacker and create a 1v1
3. defender needs to keep both attackers in view
4. Transition to attack

40x25 yard area
12 players( 2 team of 6)
1 ball ( extra around)
1. Teams play 2v2 to goal
2. The game starts by the attacking team dribbling the ball into the area
3. After each atempt on goal a new attacking team starts the game from behind the goal
4. The team thatj ust attacked stays on the field to become the new defending team
5. The other players rotate back to their row n goal and await their next atempt to attack.
6. Restart with a goal kick if ball get out of area.
Coaching Points:
1. Speed and angle of approach should force attacker into cover
2. Angle and distance of 2 defender
3. Ability to change roles quickly and correctly
4. 2 defender needs to keep both attackers in view
5. Communicate to1st defender
6. Transition to attack

40x25 yard area
12 players( 2 team of 6)
1 ball ( extra around)
1. Teams play 2v3 to goal
2. The game starts by the attacking team dribbling the ball into the area
3. After each atempt on goal a new attacking team starts the game from behind the goal
4. The team thatj ust attacked stays on the field to become the new defending team
5. The other players rotate back to their row n goal and await their next atempt to attack.
6. Restart with a goal kick if ball get out of area.
Coaching Points:
1. Speed and angle of approach should force attacker into cover
2. Angle and distance of 2 defender
3. Ability to change roles quickly and correctly
4. 2 defender needs to keep both attackers in view
5. Communicate to1st defender
6. Transition to attack

Organization :
Half field set up as shown
Red = 1 GK, 4 Defenders
Yellow = 4 Midfielder, 2 Attackers.
Red team attempt to stop the yellow team scoring
Yellow team attempt to score on goal
Activity starts from the holding central midfielder who plays into one
of the other midfielders
Yellow team can play back to the holding center midfielder who is
allowed to move side to side to restart the attack.
Coaching Points:
As above
Pressure quickly as the ball moves from side to side reading the
visual cues
Players should be prepared to change positions if needed when good pressure is on the ball
Deny space, cover/balance/depth, decision making on tackle, touch tight, prevent turns, through balls.
On offensive overload if needed to give space it must be in the outside(Disturb and/or denied crosses.)
Assistant coach or players do the AR
Add 2 defensive midfield on the red team.
3 defender on the yellow team.