1) 15x10 area
2. Players distribured evenly.
1) After juggling challenge/activity.
2) Players perform variety of movements to prepare for session.
Coaching Points:
1) Proper execution of physical movements.
2) Mental focus and preparation.
3) Gradual increase of intensity.

1. 15x10 area.
2. Players distributed evenly.
1. Player at the beginning of the line dribbles into area.
2. When he gets even with middle cone, he performs any move.
3. When he gets to the end, he performs U-turn.
4. When he turns, he looks up to the next player and passes the ball.
5. Passer runs back to apply passive pressure.
6. Player receiving the ball repeats process.
Coaching Points:
1. Connection with teammate - eye contact.
2. Communication - call for the ball.
3. Speed and angle of approach.
4. Proper stance - sideways on.
5. Slow down as space decreases.

1. 30x30 area.
2. Distance from endlines to middle - 15yds
3. Six players set up as shown.
4. One ball per group.
1. Attacking players pass back and forth. Must be two touch (or more).
2. On third exchhange, attacker stops the ball cueing defenders (in blue) to pressure.
3. Once defenders are set, attacker passes back to teammate so defenders rotate roles.
4. Attackers then pass across to players on opposite side.
5. Process repeats. Rotate roles after 2-3 minutes.
Coaching Points:
1. Communication - loud, clear, early.
2. Speed of approach.
3. Angle and distance of covering defender.
4. Ability to switch roles quickly.
5. Moments to double team - poor touch.
1. Competition - defenders are live on 3rd exchange; attackers look to split (pass to opposite end).

1. 30x30 area.
2. 10x10 zones.
3. Three teams as shown.
1. Two attacking teams at endzones.
2. Defending team in the middle.
3. Attacking teams score:
a) by connecting ten consecutive passes in zone or,
b) playing split pass to opposite zone (other attacking team).
4. Defending team can only send two players into zone.
5. Defending team wins a point by winning ball.
6. Bonus point on successful transition (pass to other side).
Coaching Points:
1. Communication - loud, early, concise.
2. Speed and angle of approach.
3. Work as a unit.
4. Ability to switch roles quickly.
5. Moments to win the ball - double team or tackle.
6. Transition to attack.
1. Allow defending team to send as many players as possible.
2. Team that loses ball defends.

1. Half field with goals.
1. Free play - 6v6.
2. Restarts - kick-ins instead of throw-ins, goal kicks instead of corners.
Coaching Points:
1. Communication.
2. Ability to switch roles.
3. Pressure, cover, balance.
4. Correct moments to double team.
5. Deny penetration - look to make play predictable.