Area set up as shown
Small triangles throughout grid
Blue players are taggers
Players in white begin with ball in hands
Players in white try to avoid being tagged by defenders in Blue
Triangles represent "safe zones"
Players in white attempt to toss their ball to an open teammate in a triangle, then take thier place while the new White in possession looks to do the same
If a white is tagged by a blue defender, they drop ball and swap roles
Play for set period of time
Coaching Points:
Head up to find nearest safe zone/spot defender
Change of direction and speed to avoid defense
More defenders
Less safe zones
Reg - no defenders

Same set up as previous activity
Half the players in a triangle, half with a ball
Players with a socer ball dribble through the area looking for a teammate in a triangle
Player A passes to Player B in the triangle.
Player B receives and takes the ball out one of the other 2 sides of the triangle then looks for another triangle + teammate
Competition - Players get 1 point for every successful pass, first to 15 passes wins
Coaching Points:
Head up to find teammate
Proper passing technique
-inside of the foot
-correct weight of pass
Positioning in triangle to receive - set up to exit out different side than ball arrives in
Make triangles smaller - require better accuracy
Must receive with specific part of the foot - inside, outside, cruyff
Add in defenders

Small sided game
2 endzones either end, each with one neutral player inside
Players look to maintain possession inside the area
Goal is to pass into one of the neutrals and collect the return pass, then turn and look to repeat at the other endzone
1 point each time a team combines with a neutral
Coaching Points:
Head up to see best option for scoring
Prper passing technique into neutral
Movement off the ball to be option once neutral has the ball
Must be three man combo
Free play with neutrals beside each goal