As the previous dribbler reaches the 3rd cone to turn around, the next player dribbles

Players must all simultaneously try to dribble across the grid and back as many times as possible (keeping count) in a set time. Every time they get back to their starting line, they get a point, most points after time wins.
This will create a lot of chaos for the dribblers, who will be required to take tight touches with constant field views to be successful.
You can give the players a specific turn they must use each time they are turning away from a sideline.

As the 2nd of the previous dribblers crosses their far line, the next 2 go. They must dribble to the outside of the awaiting players across the grid.
There are many ways you can create points or other competitive opportunities, but the players will always be forced to make tight direction changes at speed with with angle and body limitations to deal with.

Defender becomes the lone striker, Original passer gets defender ball and joins that line. Lone striker gets ball and joins the original passer line.

The players face off, one with a ball at their feet. The player with the ball uses fakes and body feints to try and throw the defender off balance. Once the attacker moves the ball, he must accelerate and attempt to be the first of the 2 to slap the coaches hands. The attacker should look to accelerate away immediately after making the defender fall off balance, lean the wrong way, or get flatfooted.
Players alternate lines/roles after every effort.

Dribbling/passing mixed patterns

1-Both sides start at the same time. The players quickly dribble through the zone and pass to the 1st player in the next group. Passes are followed by a sprint.
2-next player in line begins dribbling once previous dribbler has turned away from their cone line. Once cleared from the dribbling line, the dribbler must go THROUGH the other line at an open gate before passing the ball into the line. Passes are followed by a sprint